El Morya’s Garden – Online Newsletter

El Morya’s Garden – Online Newsletter

The Genesis of a Newsletter!

In 2001, realizing that many new seekers were routinely contacting The Summit Lighthouse, looking for answers that the ascended masters were uniquely qualified to provide, Project Reach Out was born. The hope was that follow-up contacts to these seekers would bear fruit. And it did!

By 2004, Project Reach Out was well organized and continuing to expand its influence. At this point, it became clear that an additional means of sharing the teachings was needed. This realization ushered in ICO…International Coordinated Outreach.

Initial ICO efforts resulted in the creation of 144 groups from all over the world united in prayer and accelerated learning. Then, realizing that these widely spaced groups needed a central hub for sharing news and information, a newsletter was developed as a vibrant bulletin board that kept all of these priceless points of light connected.

For years, you’ve known it as the Opportunity Mandala (OM) newsletter. Before OM, the newsletter had other names. But no matter what it has been called, the content has always focused on giving our organization a real face and a real voice.

Since 2004, Mariana Mendoza’s labor of love has brought us stories from throughout our global community. And now, we are happy to say, OM has a new hOMe.

Throughout the entire PRO, ICO and OM story, the connecting thread has always been El Morya! He has always been Mariana’s guide and inspiration. And under his sponsorship, she reminds us that we are all his.

El Morya's Garden newsletter

Hence the new website and the new name: El Morya's Garden

This is truly who we are and on every face and in every voice that speaks through this website, Morya’s people are revealed. Please enjoy your time with El Morya and his people.

Want to share news of your event, your projects and victories? Please email them to [raw].[/raw]

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