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Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul
By Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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Violet Flame. For millennia, spiritual seekers, healers, alchemists and adepts have used the high-frequency spiritual energy known as the Violet Flame to bring about, healing, energetic balance and spiritual transformation.
Now you can apply the practical techniques in this book to create balance, harmony and positive change in your body, mind and soul.
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Readers Comments on Violet Flame for Healing Body, Mind and Soul
“I woke up at 3 AM worrying, read the whole book and started working the decrees. I felt an immediate shift. I like the book's information and the simplicity.”
“Well-written, succinct, gentle, relatable and personable. I like the people's stories.”
“I like everything about this book. I loved the fact that it was put in simple, easy to read format.”
“I like how simple it is to use the Violet Flame, yet how much it helps me.”
“Such a positive, friendly, powerful, yet small book. Helpful and easy to read.”
“Powerful …life changing …very rewarding and interesting …special book!”
“A little book of such insight that it is now my constant companion. I feel good each time I read it & I intend to give copies to a number of friends.”
“Loved it – easy to read, just enough info to digest and put to immediate use. Exactly the info I needed at the right time.”