Great White Brotherhood

Great White Brotherhood

The ascended masters are all a part of the Great White Brotherhood*, spoken of in Revelation 7 as the great multitude of saints “clothed with white robes” who stand before the throne of God. The Brotherhood works with earnest seekers and public servants of every race, religion and walk of life to assist humanity in their forward evolution.

Every master in heaven has already merged with the Spirit of the I AM Presence. By proving the laws of God, the masters demonstrate that we, too, can attain immortality. All that we are is not lost at the moment of death but is perpetuated by the action of that light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

Among these saints are Gautama Buddha, Maitreya, Jesus Christ, Saint Michael the Archangel, Zarathustra, Moses, Melchizedek, Mother Mary, Saint Francis, Saint Germain, El Morya, Thérèse of Lisieux, and unnumbered and unnamed loving hearts, servants of humanity who have ascended to the I AM THAT I AM and are a part of the living God forevermore.

These masters are teachers of mankind. They teach the path of overcoming victory whereby the soul can reunite with the Higher Self, walk the earth with self-mastery following in the footsteps of Jesus as a Christed one and return to the heaven-world at the conclusion of a lifetime of service. This is the path of personal Christhood, whereby each one can find the way of overcoming. The ascended masters teach by example, not by words or platitudes. They reveal to us the next step of our spiritual evolution. They point the way, and they say: “I AM the way. This is the way, and the way ye know.”

Studying with the Ascended Masters

The “way” is a path that can be followed. Having walked where we walk, the masters are well qualified to teach us. And even as they teach mankind, they were and are students. They also studied in the etheric retreats of the heaven-world in preparation for incarnation on earth. Even as ascended beings, they are students of other masters who are above them in the great chain of being, the heavenly hierarchy. The path of discipleship continues in the heaven-world and is a model for the student-teacher, master-disciple relationship on earth.

The ascended masters come to initiate us in the ancient mysteries of Christ and Buddha and the Everlasting Gospel for the new age of Aquarius. And they come to exhort us so that we will rise to the great God flame within ourselves and defeat the momentums of returning karma that are coming upon the age.

The ascended masters present a path and a teaching whereby every individual on earth can find his way back to God.

* The term “white” refers to the aura of white light that surrounds these immortals.

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