The Science Of The Spoken Word

Science of the Spoken Word®

What Is the Science of the Spoken Word?

The Science of the Spoken Word as taught by the ascended masters is a method of accessing the power of God that combines prayers, mantras, affirmations, meditations and visualizations with what are called “dynamic decrees.”

The greatest revolutionaries—revolutionaries of the spirit—saw prayer, especially spoken prayer, as one of the chief instruments of change. Like prayers, decrees are spoken petitions to God. But more than that, decrees are a command for the will of God to be manifest.

When you use decrees, you are in effect commanding the flow of energy from Spirit to matter. You are entering into a partnership and an interactive relationship with God.

The initiation of the unloosing of the tongue, therefore, is the moment when the Word that is is pronounced by the Lord through the throat center. And the power of the spoken Word is the power of the Holy Spirit who has taken up his abode within your temple to deliver the divine decree out of the very dynamism of life itself. Yes indeed, my beloved, the new tongue spoken through you by the Lord, as your soul by free will is caught up in the Lord's Presence, includes the perpetual, penetrating, and most powerful flow of the crystal waters of life.

This pure river is your own lifestream flowing from your beloved I AM Presence through the mediator of your Word, the blessed Christ Self, to the threefold fountain of love, wisdom, and power bubbling for joy within your heart. From this fountain of the heart springs forth the spoken Word as pure as the pure heart of God. Thus, my beloved, the dynamic decree is the consummation of God’s love for you released through the new tongue that is the Lord's. – Sanat Kumara*

Difference Between Decrees, Prayers and Meditation

When we meditate, we commune with God. When we pray, we communicate with God and request his help.

When we decree, we are communing, communicating and commanding. We are commanding God's light to enter our world for alchemical change. We are directing God to send his light and his angels into action for personal and world transformation.

Prayer, meditation and decrees are all ways of accessing the power of Spirit, and there is a time and place to practice each type of devotion. But, according to the teachings of the ascended masters, decrees are the most powerful form of invoking God's light.

Devotees of many different spiritual traditions have found that decrees enhance their own spiritual practice.

Mastering The Science of the Spoken Word

There are many ways to increase the effectiveness of the Science of the Spoken Word.

The very first is to acknowledge that God is the doer of the Word through you.

The Science of the Spoken Word begins with God and it ends with God. It places man in the middle as the one who is the instrument for God becoming God.

Improving Your Spiritual Practice

The web pages in this section cover ways that Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the Ascended Masters have given to help improve your practice in decrees, visualization and realizing the fruits of your labor in the vineyards of the Lord.

Try the Science of the Spoken Word—and see what the light can do for you and what you can do for a world in need.

1. Start Here: What Is A Decree?

2. Try It: Experiencing Spiritual Decrees

3. Apply It: Violet Flame, Abundance Affirmations, Working with Nature Spirits

4. Science of the Spoken Word — More Resources

* Pearls of Wisdom®, Vol. 22 No. 43, Sanat Kumara, October 28, 1979

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