This post is an excerpt from Djwal Kul's instructions Pearl of Wisdom Vol 48, No. 6 (dictated April 17, 1992) with instructions by Elizabeth Clare Prophet and further instructions from the footnote of Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 35 No. 6
Thus, beloved, it gives me great joy today to open to you, through initiation, the path of pranayama. Beloved, some of you may have been taught this exercise by others. It is not a deep, dark secret. Yet I have come, for it is El Morya and the Darjeeling Council and the Four and Twenty Elders who have said, “Pranayama—when administered by an Eastern adept who is ascended and one of our bands, who may sponsor the chelas of the Great White Brotherhood—becomes an extraordinary link of sacred fire between the unascended chela and the ascended master.”
Thus, it is in this vein that I come as the instrument of initiation that is not mine alone to give, but I come as chosen, as the representative of the Great White Brotherhood, that you might have this exercise with a great blessing and the joy of Saint Germain and El Morya and many others who anticipate the increase of light—hence God-awareness, hence joy, hence mastery, hence that presence that some will recognize.
And so, beloved, I do initiate a coil of fire. Its point of origin is the Great Central Sun. Indeed it is a foretaste of the blessing of Alpha and Omega to come and a tie to their heart. You can increase that tie and strengthen it until the day of their appearing in the Heart of the Inner Retreat. By strengthening the tie, beloved, you strengthen the community, you strengthen the geometry, even of the entire mandala that remains to be filled in by many lifestreams.
By building strength, by alternating the practice of this breathing technique with your dynamic decrees, you will see a subtle energy gathering in your finer bodies. You will see a different countenance upon yourself as you look in the mirror.
Sometimes you may glimpse your Holy Christ Self superimposed over you. In the quietness of this deep meditation upon God and the recognition that this is the preparing of the temple, you will come to have a serenity whereby you walk as pilgrims of peace with the Elohim Peace and Aloha.
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This discipline, beloved, and this exercise given today is for Keepers of the Flame. Those who keep the flame of life can keep the flame of the sacred fire breath and, in so doing, build a solid foundation.
This breath of God, when you think of it, beloved, is the breath of the Holy Spirit. It is one-fourth of the four quadrants of the Father, Son, Mother and Holy Spirit. By developing the breath and knowing that the sacred breath is sacred fire and truly the crystal fire mist descending in you, congealing in you, sealing you in light, you will come to realize that this is the most solid foundation of the base of your pyramid,
whereby you will ultimately have perfect God-control of the rising and descending action of the sacred fire of the
Divine Mother.
By having that God-control, beloved, you will know the meeting of the Divine Mother in the sacred six-pointed triangle in the center of the heart—the light of the Father descending from above, the light of the Mother ascending from below.
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You have a mighty work to do, beloved, for great darkness must yet come upon the earth. And when that day of darkness come, may you find yourself a light wherever you are, a light that becomes an unfed flame, for it is fed from within by you because you have remembered Djwal Kul and my message and you have said to yourself, “The unfed flame must be fed by the sacred breath, by the breath of the Holy Spirit, which I breathe in, retain and breathe out each day.”
And so as the tracks of the nostrils denote the ascending and the descending currents of light from the heart of the Sun to the base chakra and rising again, so those twin paths will unite twin flames. And the paths along the spine shall be strengthened until they may be opened and until you are ready for further initiation.
Djwal Kul’s Breathing Exercise
1. First, place yourself in a meditative posture, sitting in a comfortable chair before your altar, the physical focus of your worship. If possible, you should set aside a chair that is used only during your meditations and invocations. You should consecrate this chair by the momentum of your heart flame as a focus of the atomic accelerator that is used by the Ascended Masters in the Cave of Symbols. Chelas who have passed certain initiations are bidden to sit in the atomic accelerator to have the atoms and molecules of the four lower bodies stepped up by the currents of the ascension flame in preparation for the ritual of the return, the alchemical marriage that is the soul’s reunion with the Spirit.
2. Place your feet flat on the floor, your hands cupped in your lap, your head erect, eyes level, chin drawn in for the disciplined flow of the energies of the heart through the throat chakra.
3. The Call to the Fire Breath, the invocation of the Goddess of Purity given to the devotees of the Holy Spirit, should now be recited three times. Give it slowly, rhythmically, with feeling. Absorb each word and each concept with the conviction held in heart and mind that you are here and now a joint-heir with Christ. And as the beloved son, the beloved daughter, you are claiming your inheritance. Yours is an inheritance of the sacred fire that issues forth from the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega, who keep the flame of the Father-Mother God in the Great Central Sun.
Call to the Fire Breath
I AM, I AM, I AM the Fire Breath of God
From the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega.
This day I AM the Immaculate Concept
In expression everywhere I move.
Now I AM full of Joy,
For now I AM the full expression of Divine Love.
My beloved I AM Presence,
Seal me now within the very heart
Of the expanding Fire Breath of God.
Let its purity, wholeness and love
Manifest everywhere I AM today and forever. (3x)
I accept this done right now with full power!
I AM this done right now with full power!
I AM, I AM, I AM God-Life expressing Perfection
All ways at all times.
This which I call forth for myself
I call forth for every man, woman and child on this planet.
The immaculate concept, the fiery blueprint according to which your soul was created in the image of the Divine One, is now impressed upon your four lower bodies. This fiery blueprint is magnetized by the coil described earlier in this lesson1, which you now bring to the fore of consciousness as the pivot of your call to the fire breath. The fullness of the joy which you claim is the fullness of the expression of divine love.
4. Now visualize the buoyant energies of love being magnetized by this coil and by the energies of the heart (which from our previous exercises you hold in mind as the focus of the interlaced triangles superimposed with the name of God).
It is essential that you hang above your altar the Chart of the Presence. [Where possible,] your eye level when you are standing should be at the eye level of the lower figure in the Chart, so that the Christ Self and the I AM Presence are above you.
5. Therefore, in all of your meditations and invocations, you should imagine through the imaging of the eye that all energy released through the chakras comes forth from the I AM Presence, through the Christ Self, descending over the crystal cord into the heart chakra, thence throughout the four lower bodies.
Establish in mind, then, the concept of a perpetual flow from the heart of the individualized God Self to the heart of the Christ Self to your own threefold flame pulsating in the rhythm of God’s heartbeat. The sealing of your aura within the very heart of the expanding fire breath of God is accomplished by your I AM Presence through the Christ Self in answer to your call. Remember, it is God in you who is the decreer, the decree, and the fulfillment of the decree.
6. Visualize your aura as an ovoid of white light extending beneath your feet, beneath the coil, above your head and above the coil. See the aura increasing in the intensity of the light as that energy is expanded from the heart chakra and thence from all of the chakras as the sacred mist that is called the fire breath of God. Let its purity, wholeness and love fill the ovoid of your aura; and feel your mind and heart disciplining that energy and holding it in the creative tension of your cosmic awareness.
7. Conclude the giving of the call (three times) with the acceptance. Now you are ready for the exercise of the integration of the eighth ray.
8. Instructions by Elizabeth Clare Prophet during Djwal Kul's 1992 dictation:
To the count of eight beats, draw in through your nostrils the sacred breath. When you first begin this exercise, you may wish to count the eight beats by the gentle tapping of your foot. The breath is drawn in through the nostrils as you fill first the belly and then the lungs with air. Let your diaphragm be inflated like a balloon, and see the air that you draw in as the pure white light.
Please take your right hand. Take your index finger and your middle finger and fold them to the base of your thumb in this manner, so that the little finger and the ring finger are left without being folded. Keep your index finger and your middle finger in this position. Now place your thumb on your right nostril. To the count of eight, you will inhale through the left nostril. [Messenger inhales and taps a count of eight.]
At the count of eight, take the little finger and the ring finger and close the left nostril. When you have both nostrils closed—the right with the right thumb and the left with the ring finger and the little finger—you will have the retaining of the breath to the count of eight. Then you remove the thumb from the right nostril and exhale through the right nostril to the count of eight. [Messenger exhales to the count of eight.]
Again, you retain the breath to the count of eight and you are holding. You have closed the right nostril, and you are still having the left nostril closed. Now, this is the stopping of the breath. It is a moment of supreme absorption, and it is a moment of the sacred fire acting within you. This is the first half of one pranayama.
With the ring finger and the little finger closing the left nostril, you draw in the breath through the right to the count of eight: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Close the right nostril and to a count of eight [hold]: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Now you raise the ring finger and the little finger and exhale through the left to the count of eight: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Now you hold for the count of eight again: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. What you are doing—you have completed one pranayama. And then you start again. Close right nostril with right thumb.
Inhale through the left: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Exhale right: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Draw in through the right, the same one you exhaled through, . . . three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Exhale through the left: [6-second pause] seven, eight. Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. That was a second pranayama.
9. You start again. Draw in. [Messenger inhales to a count of eight.] Drawing in through the left. Close the left. [8-second pause] Retain with the left. [8-second pause] Exhale through the right. [Messenger exhales to a count of eight.] Retain eight: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Draw in through the right. [Messenger inhales to a count of eight.] Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Exhale through the left. [Messenger exhales to the count of eight.] Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Draw in through the left. [Messenger inhales to a count of eight.]
That drawing in through the left is the beginning of the next pranayama. Close the left nostril, retain and exhale through the right. [Messenger exhales to the count of eight.] Hold. [8-second pause] Draw air through the right. [Messenger inhales to a count of eight.] Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Exhale through the left. [Messenger exhales to the count of eight.]
Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. And draw in through the left. [Messenger inhales to a count of eight.] Exhale through the right. [Messenger exhales to the count of eight.] Retain. [8-second pause] Draw in through the right. [Messenger inhales to a count of eight.] Retain. [8-second pause] Exhale through the left. [Messenger exhales to the count of eight.] Retain: [one,] two, three, four [4-second pause]. And relax.
So it is very simple. When you draw in through the left, you exhale through the right. When you exhale through the right, you draw in through the right and then exhale through the left. And then you start again.
These levels of retention are powerful. And the principle here that you do not have in Djwal Kul's breathing exercise is the shutting off of the nostrils. It is the closing of the nostrils and using only the nostrils for inhaling and exhaling. This simple difference makes all the difference in the world. There is more sacred fire, more energy that you absorb, more intensity.
10. Visualize this sacred energy flowing through your veins, moving through your nervous system, anchoring the essence of the balancing energies of the Holy Spirit in your four lower bodies and absorbing from them all impurities, which you now see being flushed out of your system as you exhale to the count of eight beats.
Let the exhalation be deliberate and disciplined as you slowly release the air as though it were a substance being pressed out of a tube. You may round your lips to increase the tension of the exhalation. See and feel that breath being pushed out from the very pit of the stomach. You may lean forward if this helps to press out the last bit of air remaining in the diaphragm.
11. Now let your head resume an erect posture, and hold without inbreathing or outbreathing to the final count of eight beats.
12. Repeat this exercise daily, as you are physically able, until you have established a rhythm–mentally counting, if you wish, “One and two and three and four and five and six and seven and eight and one and two and three and”—and so forth. Be careful that in your zeal you do not overdo. Each one must in Christ discern his capacity, which may be anywhere from one to twelve repetitions of the exercise per daily session.
This fourfold exercise is for the balancing of the four lower bodies. The inbreath comes through the etheric body; the first hold is an action of energizing through the mental body; the outbreath is the release through the emotional body; and the final hold is for the anchoring in the physical form of the balanced action of Father, Son, Mother and Holy Spirit.
13. When you have mastered the inbreathing, holding, outbreathing and holding in this fashion and the accompanying visualization of the sacred fire releasing light, energizing the consciousness, extracting impurities, and finally anchoring the energies of the Christ, then–and only then–you may add to your exercise the affirmation “I AM Alpha and Omega” to the count of eight beats. This you mentally affirm once for each of the four steps of the exercise. This affirmation is for the establishment within you of the cloven tongues of fire, the twin flames of the Holy Spirit that are the energies of the Father-Mother God.
Djwal Kul’s Breathing Exercise is taken from chapter eight of Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura* by Djwal Kul. It builds on the foundations laid by Kuthumi in his Studies of the Human Aura and by Djwal Kul in Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura. It is a practical exercise for the purification and balancing of the four lower bodies by the Light of God and the sacred fire breath of God.
For maximum benefit from this Alpha-to-Omega breath meditation, give I AM Light by Kuthumi nine times before and nine times after Djwal Kul’s Breathing Exercise.
* These two books by Djwal Kul and Kuthumi are now available as one volume: The Human Aura: How To Activate & Energize Your Aura and Chakras. Includes meditations, visualizations, affirmations, an extensive glossary and 25 color illustrations of auras and chakras.
1. From Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 17 No. 42 by Beloved Djwal Kul (October 20, 1974): “Understand, then, that by your application to the law that I have released in the first seven of these studies, there is being builded within your aura a fiery coil of life. This coil, which is approximately ten inches in diameter, you ought now to visualize rising from the base of an imaginary sundial upon which you stand.
As you look down at your feet, the coil proceeds from what would be the twelve o’clock line (positioned just in front of your feet). The coil is an electrode that winds in a clockwise direction, the coils being spaced three inches apart.
From beneath your feet to the top of your head, this coil is a pulsating white fire. And it can be focused as the action of the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit only in the aura of those who have the devotion to the Christ and the commitment to the I AM THAT I AM.”
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