Lady Master Nada – The Way of Love

Lady Master Nada – The Way of Love

Valentine’s Day

Elizabeth Clare Prophet gave this teaching at the Valentine’s Day seminar, Atlantis Is Rising.

Ascended Lady Master Nada's Way of Love

Lady Master Nada has given us important insights on why it can be hard to get beyond the pain.

She says: “The true path of Love is one that does bring the greatest challenges; for pain on the path of Love is many times unbearable.”

She says this pain sometimes goes back to our original separation from our twin flame—the soul who is our divine counterpart, our “other half.”

In 1989 Nada said:

“I come to set you back on course that you might begin at the beginning and remember your vows before the altar of the Great Central Sun, shared between twin flames. You vowed to go forth and forevermore to be one.

“But when the Path became painful you sometimes accepted lesser loves as comfort, as salve for the wounded ego. And therefore, in so self-indulging, you lost the touch of the fingertips of the beloved and could not find them again no matter how you groped in the dark of the surrounding karma that did come with nightfall.

“Do you understand, beloved, that the greatest lesson your soul can learn is that Love is the All, Love is the Goal?—and to stop a moment and know just how great is the love of your Father-Mother God for you?

“Most have come to the place of insensitivity to that Love or a sense that they are not worthy of love. And by an absence of self-worth they tune it out…. It is the tuning out of those things that are so precious and so beautiful, because one deems oneself unclean, unready….

“Do not fear to experience pain. Allow yourself to experience it, to neutralize it perhaps with the exercise of the sacred fire breath, but not to escape it.”

The sacred fire breath lady master Nada is referring to is Djwal Kul’s breathing exercise, which he gives in The Human Aura book.

Let Go and Move On

If we open to these past experiences, with the help of the Masters we can let go of them and move on.

And what a shout of hallelujah we may give when we realize that we can get past these burdens and negative experiences.

Of course, there are times when your spiritual work must be accompanied by work with a trained psychologist who can help you sort out the issues and complications that may have resulted from these experiences.

Nevertheless, if we trust in God we can make tremendous progress through these teachings of the Masters.

This excerpt is from the published Pearl of Wisdom® vol 42 no 7 by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

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