Lords of the Seven Rays – El Morya Part 2

El Morya, Lord of the First Ray, Part 2

With Elizabeth Clare Prophet

We realize that we have many ties, many interesting relationships that are carry overs from previous lifetimes. In this age of reckoning we go through many situations and relationships, always with the purpose being to release the light of God, the Holy Spirit, for balance, for blessing, for resolution and for love. Then we can go in peace and not be bound by age-old wounds, hurts, angers, sorrows, prejudices, fears and envies.


El Morya incarnated as Akbar from 1542 – 1605, the greatest of the Mogul emperors of India. He has been described as one of the few successful examples of Plato's philosopher king.


He founded his own faith, a divine monotheism, that united the basic truths of all religions. He had representatives of all the world's major religions coming to him. He was supremely tolerant, he allowed all to practice their religion in his realm. He put the best of them all together, hoping that people would widen their horizons.


In the end, only his closest servants and friends adopted it. His legacy of universality, religious tolerance and a well-organized government blest India for centuries.


El Morya concluded his incarnations in the West as the famous poet Thomas Moore, composer, musician, prolific writer of prose and poetry. Following that life he went to India and became the Rajput prince El Morya Khan and took his ascension in 1898.


Do you realize that before a century passes you could also attain to reunion with God through the ascension in the Light? In fact, that may very well be your destiny in this life – to balance your karma, serve the will of God and love all life free and return to His heart nevermore to go out on the round and wheel of rebirth.


El Morya teaches us the mastery of the throat chakra. The throat chakra, which is the power center. Here you experience God as the power of the spoken Word. You observe everyday how your words may comfort people, curse people, lift them up or put the down. People use power in good ways and bad ways, but usually their conversation is involved.

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