Violet Flame Challenge: Change Your Life Forever

Violet Flame Challenge: Change Your Life Forever

…to Heal Body, Mind and Soul

Gain Control of Your Life
Shine the powerful Light of the Violet Flame wherever you desire change!

15-minutes a day is all it takes…

What Stands Between You and Heaven?

Spiritual Seekers want to find the meaning of life. They want to find purpose and reunite with the heart of God. The path of reunion can be challenging. That’s because along the way, we must confront and transmute our negative karma. Doubt, guilt, pain and fear can get in the way, too. This is why the Master Saint Germain has revealed the power of the violet flame to us so that these negative energies can be transmuted and erased.

And, as we grow in spiritual wisdom, we realize that we simply don’t know what we don’t know. But no matter what we may encounter on our spiritual journey, the violet flame is the ultimate tool for illumination, self-mastery and real progress! How can we put it to use to accelerate our progress?

Introducing the Violet Flame Challenge

The Violet Flame Challenge is all about support and learning. It is a 30-day program of daily violet flame (15-minutes a day is all it takes), plus all participants receive a daily email with wisdom from the archangels or masters on the power of the violet flame.

Each day, you will be cleaning up and transmuting negative karma, and this will work wonders healing body, mind and soul.

It is the goal of Saint Germain and the ascended masters to provide all seekers with proven, practical tools such as decrees and the violet flame to enhance their spiritual practice and accelerate their progress on their homeward journey. But you won’t know that it really works until you try it for yourself. Wouldn’t today be an excellent day to get started?

What People Are Saying About the Violet Flame:

“Since I was scientifically oriented, this challenge to experiment with the violet flame was just what I needed. . . . To my amazement, old habits just melted away with no effort. Without the violet flame, I am sure that quitting those habits would have been a major struggle.”

“I have since found again and again that Saint Germain and all of heaven truly do await our petitions and prayers and calls, and that they are always answered according to God’s will and wisdom if we will just ask and accept it made manifest. Try it!”

Best Spiritual Supplement Available – the Violet Flame!

Just as we add supplements to fortify our diets for physical health, we should remember that we may add supplements to nourish our spiritual health, as well.

A steady diet of Violet Flame can work wonders in our lives, on all levels of our beings …physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

The Violet Flame is the universal solvent for eradicating negative karma. It works to remove the karmic residue we have accumulated over many lifetimes, and it does so powerfully…yet gently and thoroughly.

The Violet Flame is not only cleansing, it is rejuvenating, uplifting, forgiving and effective! It can be applied wherever we are, whenever we need it.

Accept our Challenge! Give the Violet Flame for 30-Days

If you make a commitment to do at least 15-minutes of violet flame decrees every day for the next 30 days, it will change your life forever!

  • You will feel happier and more joyful
  • Your mind will be clearer and your focus sharper
  • You will clarify and refocus your life's purpose
  • You will shed a significant portion of your accumulated negative karma
  • And, before you know it, you'll be in the best spiritual shape of your life
    After 30-days, you just might decide to make your Violet Flame diet permanent.

Ready to Take the Challenge?

To turn the tide with this Violet Flame Challenge, the Summit Lighthouse is working with Keepers in the field on a new website totally devoted to the violet flame.

Go to and sign up…and receive a free ebook as our gift to hearts around the world determined to see violet flame miracles happen!

Also, feel free to join our international community of those stoking the violet flame on Facebook at

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