Online Radio: Karma and Reincarnation

Online Radio: Karma and Reincarnation

The Open Door — Ascended Master Online Radio presents the Teachings of the Ascended Masters™,  an opportunity for spiritual seekers everywhere to come up higher, embrace a journey of soul liberation, graduate from Earth’s schoolroom and ultimately return home to the heart of God.

The ascended masters are the saints and sages of East and West and their teachings encompass the original core beliefs of all major religions. Their magnificent teachings include practical tools such as the violet flame and the science of the spoken Word. They incorporate priceless revelations about the true nature of Christhood, your individual I AM Presence, karma, reincarnation, soul mates and twin flames and much more!

Join us as we examine and amplify these key spiritual questions:

Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? How do I get there?

The Light of God is truly the Open Door which no man can shut.

Tune in Tuesdays at 11 AM Pacific on 7th Wave or download and subscribe to the 60 minute podcasts on iTunes.

Each show includes audio excerpts from Elizabeth Clare Prophet with lively commentary by the hosts and guest speakers. Explore an inner reality rich with possibility from the The Open Door Radio Show homepage on VoiceAmerica™ Talk Radio Network.

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