Online Radio: A Word to the Why’s

Online Radio: A Word to the Why’s


Audio Player When we began to address the core issues that define our spiritual path, we organized the content we felt was relevant around four essential questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? How do I get there?

Well, along the way, an interesting thing happened. When we posed the question “Why am I here?” not one, but two distinct answers emerged.

Of course, we believe we are here to transcend our human experience, master ourselves, secure the immortality of our souls and reunite, through the ascension, with our Divine Source…our Father/Mother God


However, while formulating an answer to the question of why we are here, another thought occurred, and it was this: While it’s all well and good to contemplate the “why” of our existence as sons and daughters of God finding our way Home, what is it that keeps us on the path?

Simple though this question is, it opened up an exciting new avenue of spiritual exploration.

In the blink of an eye, the question of ‘why am I here?’ became a statement: ‘why I am here.’ And what a profound awareness this generated!

Maybe What Inspires Us
Will Inspire Others

People who may be interested in our spiritual path aren’t drawn to what we do or how we do it until they know WHY we do it.

What is our inspiration, our passion? What drew us to this path in the first place…and what keeps us following it?

Understanding why we’re here –and manifesting our understanding through our spiritual practice — helps others understand why they’re here, too.

Following the Why’s
Leads to Wisdom

So, we have the “why” of our ultimate goal… AND we have the “why” of our current practice and passion to reach that goal.

Perhaps this explains the tight connection between “why” and wisdom.

Tune in March 25th to A Word to the Why’s on The Open Door, Ascended Master Online Radio Programs LIVE every Tuesday at Noon, MT

All shows archived on The Open Door page and on iTunes for anytime listening!

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