The mystical Hebrew names of God are associated in Kabbalah with the ten sefirot (divine emanations of God):
Adonai, “Lord” (Malkhut); pronunciation: ah-doh-NIE (ie as the i in high)
El Hai, “Living God”; pronunciation: ehl khie. (kh as in German buch or Scottish loch. Place tongue in position for sounding the letter k, but release the breath in a stream as in pronouncing an h)
Shaddai, “Almighty” (Yesod); pronunciation: shah-DIE
Elohim Tzevaot, “God of hosts” (Hod); pronunciation: ehl-oh-HEEM tz vah-OHT
YHVH Tzevaot, spoken Adonai Tzevaot, “Lord of hosts” (Netzah); pronunciation: ah-doh-NIE tz vah-OHT
YHVH, spoken Adonai (Tiferet); pronunciation: ah-doh-NIE (ie as the i in high)
Elohim, “God” (Gevurah); pronunciation: ehl-oh-HEEM
El, “God” (Hesed); pronunciation: ehl
YHVH, spoken Elohim (Binah); pronunciation: ehl-oh-HEEM
Yah, “the Eternal” (Hokhmah); pronunciation: yah
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, “I AM THAT I AM” (Keter); pronunciation: eh-heh-YEH ah-SHAIR eh-heh-YEH
Read more about the meaning behind the names of God, The Mysteries of the Divine Names – #4 The Names of God Series.
Enjoy the Names of God set to the music of the spheres.
Buy online: Music CD: Come, Holy Dove! Mystical Union through the Names of God
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