Grab a healthy snack and tune in to Your Body Temple on The Open Door, Ascended Master Online Radio Program.
We all know that our body is one of our most precious possessions. And our outer physical reality is often a good barometer of our inner reality. If we’re glowing on the outside, that’s probably a good indication that our inner reality is glowing, as well. And that’s a really good thing, because our glow is needed…by the world, and especially by the ascended masters.
You see, the healthier we are and the more balanced physically and emotionally, the better able we are to assist the ascended masters in their service to humanity.
A healthy glow and clear, balanced energy act like magnets to attract light-bearers to us. Wholeness inspires wholeness. And the masters need this magnetic attraction to help fulfill their mission and bring the light-bearers home.
Of course, we know that cultivating and maintaining a healthy balance in our lives demands consistent focus and commitment, so we’ve got to be up to that challenge. Not easy in a busy, demanding world. But our willingness to be ready and useful, to be the hands and feet of the masters, is really good karma (always a great motivator!).
Also, some health challenges we face are karmic in nature, and it may not be God’s will that the opportunity they represent for our individual life stream be cut short.
Nevertheless, proper diet, regular exercise and a positive attitude of gratitude and joy all contribute greatly to providing each of us with the means to accelerate our spiritual journey…AND ultimately free us from the continuous cycles of human experience.
Enjoy our discussion how and why it is so important to take good care of our body temples. And we will talk about enlisting the aid of one of our closest friends: our body elemental.
Grab a healthy snack and tune in to our Encore show: Your Body Temple on The Open Door, Ascended Master Online Radio Programs LIVE every Tuesday at Noon, MT
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