Your Threefold Flame and Your Greatest Opportunity

Your Threefold Flame and Your Greatest Opportunity

Hidden in your heart, the three plumes of love, wisdom and power of your threefold flame are your ticket home. Expand and balance them now!

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We all have some very important unfinished business: to embrace our divine blueprint and fulfill our sacred mission.

This embodiment is our most recent opportunity to get on with completing our divine plan, but we’ve been at it for a long time. And we can only put it off so long before we run out of opportunities.

This may be a sobering wake-up call, but it should also be a joyful recognition of the fact that we know what we have to do, and that now is the time to do it. God does not reveal to us all at once our past, or why we have come together in this moment and in this way.

We can only measure the importance of this moment through the magnitude of our determination and an intense sense that this is the hour and the moment when all else must be subordinated to the fulfillment of the divine plan for our soul.

This is the moment when by love, by true wisdom and by true power we must enter in. By consciously expanding the love, wisdom and power plumes of our threefold flame, we will not only seize this moment, but master it!

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Please join us June 19th as we focus on expanding and balancing the threefold flame as the means – and perhaps our greatest opportunity – for achieving our ultimate victory. It’s all on The Open Door, Ascended Master Online Radio Programs LIVE every Tuesday at Noon, MT.

All shows archived on The Open Door page and on iTunes for anytime anywhere listening!

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