Let God Release Perfect Love through You

Let God Release Perfect Love through You

This excerpt on the flame of love by Lanello is from the 1981 Ascension Day Address, published in the 1981 Pearl of Wisdom®, Vol. 24 No. 55

Would you feel the cosmic rays of the stars? Would you know the vibration of Sirius? You can.

I say, you can if you will, but love must purge you of grossness, of cruelty in the spoken word. Love must purge you of those receptors that still hear the demons of the night and their vanity and their profane words. Love must purge you and silence all dissonance in your consciousness. Love that glows as a fire, for what? For God, God, God! Love that is a fire for friend and neighbor and for the child that is not seen.

Who is the child that is not seen? Is it the child in the womb of the Cosmic Virgin? It is the child of your own heart. The unseen child is the one who is profaned upon earth. Therefore, let the child appear. Let the child appear within you as perfect Love.

You can know all things. God has never withheld from any of his sons his perfect Wisdom and his perfect Love. You can aspire to become sages upon earth, teachers of wisdom but only by love.

Deliver me from the brittleness of those who memorize the Word without the heart of devotion! Deliver me, then, from those who take the ocean of God’s love to the depths of psychic thralldom and the entertainment of phenomena. Deliver me, then, from those who are more interested in doctrine and dogma than in the plight of the soul itself.

How we love the flame of Love bursting for joy in your heart and as love for one another! Blessed hearts of peace, open now and let God release through you his perfect Love. Then will you be my disciples indeed.

How can you sow the seeds of my Word unless you wrap them in the swaddling garment of love? The seeds cannot grow unless they be enfolded in love—enfolded in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit—sealed in the cosmic cross of white fire by the angels of the Ruby Ray, sealed in the Light of Alpha and Omega in the Body and Blood of Christ. Yes, seeds of my heart and wisdom, seeds of my discipline must be enfolded in love when you pass them to another and sow them in the soul’s consciousness.

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