Love as an Art – Paul the Venetian

Love as an Art – Paul the Venetian

Love, to Fulfill the Mandate of God

Blessed ones, let us fan the fire of hope and let love be without dissimulation. With all intense love, let us go after those who have the quality to be the vessel, to understand the meaning of the True Self as the Holy Grail, who love enough not only to seek the Grail but to become it, to fill it with light, and then to become the light.

It will take a great deal of love to fulfill the mandate of God who has said, “I have decided to save the earth.” It will take many decisions of many candles on earth and a love that some have not yet known.

I have come in gratitude and in joy for the Christ Mass and all beauty that has been sent forth from your souls in this year — beauty as deeds of love, beauty as love in every form, love as an art when you do not consider yourselves to be artists or to have time to perfect a skill.

The Art of Service

The art of service is a great art. Unbeknownst to you, you are creating an eternal mural of service. And angel artists paint a mural — I will tell you not where — showing the episodes of this community of lightbearers and the day-to-day overcomings. Many preparations are being made for your homecoming and your rejoicing at last to understand all that has transpired at all levels. These are master artists who have determined that the sons of the best of men should not go down unrecorded in the murals of heaven, but should indeed rise up and in their own victory perceive that victory as a lesson to those who will one day be the students of the art which they have lived. For you are living artists of a living art.

Whether you are repairing automobiles or machinery, whether you prepare the food or keep the records with the keepers of the scrolls, every act is a work of art. Every act is released from your soul as a release of energy which forms an engram of light, impressing upon the etheric octave geometric snowflake forms, roses and violets or, unfortunately, when done without grace or love, jagged forms of modern art which you would decry in a museum yet, alas, also manifest in the lower levels of the aura as work done without grace and joy and freedom.

Being Co-creators with God

Service in life without freedom creates a record of art that is gray and dissonant. This is why even those who produce films always see a dim light as being present in Communist countries. Films about the Soviet Union or Eastern Europe seem to have that quality of absence of light, absence of dimension and even reality. It is the weight of oppression of the people who in their service are missing the seventh ray as a part of that artwork.

Believe me, beloved hearts, much grace proceeds from the most humble of servants. Therefore you can realize that every movement in life, every thought and feeling is producing on the ethers either a magnificent design of virtue or something less, which by the grace of God is also erased as you invoke the violet flame.

Being co-creators with God, you therefore show all too quickly in the area surrounding you what is the nature of your work. These signs are read by elemental life and the angels, and there are crowds of angels around some and a total absence around the Scrooge characters portrayed on a yearly basis.

Thus, entertaining angels unawares is no mere entertainment, for these become a part of a personal battalion, even as elementals enter formation following the very points of light of the divine geometry of the flow of light in your aura. Thus, all of heaven bears witness to the auric emanations of the servants of God. Obviously therefore, those who are the devotees of the chohans can be known around the world by the light of the aura and the harmony of the artwork which their daily service is creating.

I ask then that you might be comforted in the embrace of love this night and that the love of God through the divine art outpictured in all of nature and all of cosmos might come for an inner realization of your soul as to the true mystery of love in the innermost parts of your being — love as the cohesive force that enables you to be who and what you are, the heart to beat, and all systems to be functioning.

What ordains it? What maintains it? What seals you as a separate consciousness now able to hear my word and to follow the word into the vastness of your own eternal Self? It is love — universal love everywhere. May you capture it, cradle it, know it, follow it.

May love be the determining factor of your decisions, not fear. May love dissolve the hatred of the enemy, the enemies of the Light and of America. May love be such a force of the ruby ray that all assignments may be fulfilled and not one child of light on earth be found wanting the true message of the path of Christhood.

Excerpt from Pearl of Wisdom®, Vol. 27, No. 3 – Paul the Venetian – January 15, 1984

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