Jesus: the Rule, Not the Exception

Jesus: the Rule, Not the Exception

While to some it is controversial to believe that Jesus was not singular in his manifestation of the Christ, His mission was actually to deliver the good news that we are all supposed to be like Him.

Jesus: the Rule, Not the Exception

Yes, this runs counter to much of Western religious orthodoxy.

But the truth remains that Jesus came to liberate us from self-imposed limitations.

He said quite clearly that “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these…”

And what do you suppose Jesus meant by that?

His message is, quite clearly, a message of freedom and liberation from the limitation of the human experience.

He came to set the example for the incarnation of the Word, the Christ, the true Son of God in all of us, so that we might realize the true Being and reality of our identity as a Son and Daughter of God…with the same potential as Jesus demonstrated to become the Christ.

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