Online Radio: How Close Is Your Victory?

Online Radio: How Close Is Your Victory?

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How Close is Your Spiritual Victory?

You’ve heard the story of the miner who gave up mere inches from the vein of gold he sought. He had labored long and hard to strike it rich, only to abandon his efforts at the last second when he allowed his discouragement to get the best of him.

How many of us can relate to this feeling? Probably all of us, at one time or another, have questioned what we experience as the apparent effects of our prayers and spiritual labors. Why? Was it because we didn’t see the results we were hoping to see? Or they didn’t come fast enough?

It’s okay to pray with expectation, but leave it to God to answer our prayers in a way that is best for our life streams and our souls. In this regard, it would be a good idea to avoid presuming to tell God what our spiritual labors ought to produce and how and when.

Leave it to God
(He knows what He’s doing)

When we pray and then give the outcome to God, we will know peace, trust…and freedom. Otherwise we may become bitter, disappointed and, perhaps, disillusioned…maybe even turning away from God altogether. This is how those who are committed to darkness deprive us of our light, through disappointment and discouragement.

Sadly, even though God has assured us of our eventual victory, some give up the fight a heartbeat from victory. We really don’t know just how close we are to the finish line, to the gold (and the golden age!) that waits for us on the other side of our spiritual journey.

Keep on Keeping on!

God is the gold mine. And it is the mountain of mastery that we must dig through to find the gold. God and his angels and the ascended masters have assured us that the gold is really there. Now it is up to us to persevere, even when the digging gets tough and the results seem meager.

The lesson? Don’t give up, even when all seems futile and lost. God has a timetable for your victory, and it is assured. Believe it…and keep digging!

Tune in May 19 for How Close is Your Victory? on The Open Door, Ascended Master Online Radio Program – Live on the 7th Wave Channel…and now every Saturday at Noon MT on the Empowerment Channel.

Over 170 shows archived for you on The Open Door page and on iTunes for anytime anywhere listening!

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