Reincarnation – Every Choice Matters!

Reincarnation – Every Choice Matters!

On The OPEN DOOR, the online voice of The Summit Lighthouse and the ascended masters, we revisit one of our perennially favorite topics: reincarnation.

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In this show, we feature excerpts from Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s popular, best-selling DVD Nine Cats and Nine Lives in which she examines the most recent embodiments of famous—and sometimes infamous—historical figures from the standpoint of their past lives to clearly demonstrate how past karma informs present circumstances.

As usual, our program will also feature lively give-and-take among the show’s co-hosts and invited guests, plus our usual brief excursions into such fascinating topics as fallen angels, violet flame, the soul’s journey, the ascension…and wherever else the Holy Spirit takes us.

Reincarnation – Another Opportunity?

Now, regarding Tuesday’s topic, what is it about reincarnation that gets some people so riled up? Haven’t we been taught to respect the notion of a second chance? Do-over’s? Mercy? Redemption? Why would anyone willfully deny themselves the opportunity to right past wrongs and correct their mistakes?

Well, as we know, there is a deadly, far-reaching strategy in play, designed by fallen angels, to deny us our birthright as sons and daughters of God. You see, to ascend to God, we must first clean up our karma! If we don’t, we’ll be stuck here indefinitely going around in karmic circles. That’s why we come back again and again: to get it right!

For eons, the fallen angels have prevented many of God’s children from realizing their true divine potential…by obscuring the reality of reincarnation as a golden opportunity to balance karma. To illustrate the importance of each choice we make, we will examine the lives – and past lives – of two very famous historical figures in Tuesday’s show. (We’d tell you who they are, but that would ruin the surprise.) Don’t miss it.

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