Celebrating 60 Years!
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For 60 years, The Summit Lighthouse has been the spiritual seeker’s most trusted destination for a body of spiritual teachings that fully prepares the soul to graduate from earth’s schoolroom: the teachings of the ascended masters!
Our path is the journey of the soul, following in the footsteps of these great masters of East and West whose teachings describe an unerring roadmap Home to the heart of God…where our spiritual odyssey first began!
Beginning in 1958…
The Summit Lighthouse was founded in Washington, D.C., in 1958 by the Ascended Master El Morya of Darjeeling, India, for the express purpose of publishing the teachings of the ascended masters as dictated to the Messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
Today, headquartered in Corwin Springs, Montana, The Summit Lighthouse is a unique nondenominational and philosophical non-profit spiritual organization which disseminates the ancient wisdom of the ascended masters to every nation through study groups and teaching centers, Summit University Press, global internet radio, newsletters and information websites in English and Spanish.
From its inception, The Summit Lighthouse has been dedicated to the development of the unlimited spiritual potential of man by promoting the awakening to the Divine Reality within.
To this end, TSL has published such progressive revelation as will assist the individual to unfold his character, his ideals, and his understanding of cosmic law.
The Teachings of the Ascended Masters
Are Available to All
The Summit Lighthouse seeks the betterment of mankind and the resolving of all human challenge and conflict by assisting individuals and nations to realize their intrinsic worth.
Dogma and narrowness of belief confine the progress of the soul. The ascended masters' teachings, on the other hand, point to truth wherever it is found. In their approach to the spiritual quest, these great saints and sages of East and West outline the need for reason and order, as well as consecration.
The universe was set into motion by Infinite Law and Infinite Wisdom. In this regard, the teachings of the great masters published by The Summit Lighthouse point to the fact that nothing happens by chance, but everything happens according to natural and spiritual laws.
Life is the great teacher of all men, and the teachings of the ascended masters are available to all no matter what their educational or religious background.
We are living in a time when the media are routinely controlled, education is often biased, and prejudice is frequently incited. Each man seeks the good life, but seldom is he sure of just what good life really is. Evil forces are bent on the overthrow of all spiritual pursuits. They would like to drown its meaning in the tide of events and in the crosscurrents of social unrest.
The illusions of the world are screens that blur reality and conceal its grand design even from the most learned. With faith in our inherent ability to apply ourselves to the will of our Creator, we can seek a better understanding of ourselves and of our reason for being here on earth.
The Summit Lighthouse
Keeping the Flame of Life
In the midst of the chaos and confusion of the age, The Summit Lighthouse rises as a spiritual tower to keep the flame of wonder, joy, and faith forever alive in the hearts of all. Its authority is derived from the order of devotees comprised of the ascended masters and their unascended chelas known as the Great White Brotherhood.
Having mastered time and space and ascended into the white light of the Presence of God, the ascended masters have fostered the exploration of reality and the defining of individual self-mastery since the dawn of civilization.
The Great White Brotherhood is behind every constructive endeavor that has ever been brought forth upon the planet. Its members have founded churches, fraternities, governments, hospitals, schools, and every type of philanthropic organization.
Working in the main behind the scenes, they have mercifully overlooked mankind's violence, selfishness and greed, always striving to replace chaos with noble purpose.
This spiritual order actively seeks to elevate the consciousness of mankind by reestablishing man's faith in his immortal destiny as a son of God. These selfless servants have sought no personal credit for their doings. They have aligned themselves with the Presence of Life in all men as it was revealed by Jesus and others who have been sent to bring the light of truth to a darkened world.
The Summit Lighthouse
A Beacon of Hope
Since its founding, The Summit Lighthouse has remained “a pillar of fire by night, a cloud by day” to all who seek the truth of the inner Self, your I AM Presence and the knowledge of cosmic law and its personal and planetary application. In the midst of the multifaceted activities of the ascended masters and the expansion of the organization, The Summit Lighthouse has remained, in the words of Longfellow,
Steadfast, serene, immovable, the same
Year after year, through all the silent night
Burns on for evermore that quenchless flame,
Shines on that inextinguishable light!
The Summit Lighthouse endures—the tower of power upon the rock, symbol of the light of the I AM THAT I AM and the summit of each one's being, the very present help in time of trouble. To thousands of devotees of truth, The Summit Lighthouse has been a beacon through the night, guiding the soul to the port of reality.
The Summit Lighthouse
A High and Noble Standard
Our standard is commitment to cosmic purpose and to the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God. Those whose loyalties are the same will find much in common with our service.
All truth has its origin in universal law. The consciousness of man, as a repository of truth, provides opportunity for endless research. Those who study with us learn how they can overcome deep-seated limitations that, in some cases, from birth onward have prevented their manifestation of the full and rich life they were intended to enjoy.
We Invite You to Awaken to the Light Within
To Develop Your Unlimited Spiritual Potential
Our consciousness and body temple provide us with a platform for magnificent achievement. We are intended to blossom and to bear fruit. We are intended to pursue happiness while being harmless. We are intended to achieve, to overcome difficulties and limitations, and to rise to heights far above our present norm that we might benefit our fellowmen and set an example for the age.
If you are among those who keep an open mind and who are eager to learn new and scientific truths, keys that will unlock your full potential and free you from a sense of drudgery and frustration, if you are looking for a more effective means to help your family and friends and at the same time discover your inner Self, if you believe there is a purpose to life—that the spark was not intended to go out—then we invite you to take advantage of facts and findings that you may have never imagined could be true or possible
Awaken to the Light Within™
Discover the Real You through the Universal Teachings
Of the Ascended Masters
Come and study the teachings of the ascended masters and gain your liberation in this lifetime. Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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Please join us August 7 as we focus on healing the heart and becoming transformers of love to a world in need on The Open Door, Ascended Master Online Radio Programs LIVE every Tuesday at Noon, MT.
All shows archived on The Open Door page and on iTunes for anytime anywhere listening!