Who Are You…Really?

Who Are You…Really?

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One of our goals in sharing the teachings of the ascended masters with you is to build a foundation of spiritual Truth upon which everything else depends.

One central and essential cornerstone of this goal is the understanding that God is Life/Life is God.

It doesn’t get any more simple or basic than that.

Everything that lives is animated by God’s energy. Everything in God’s creation is powered by His very Life force. This makes us, in the most literal sense, co-creators with God, because our every thought, word and deed is enlivened by and through the presence of God’s energy.

This makes life a marvelous divine opportunity full of hope, love and an ultimate destiny which transcends all mortal dreams: reunion with the heart of God.

This also makes it imperative that every disciple of Light (you!) transmutes whatever outer conditions seek to corrupt the Life principle. It must become a permanent idea that life for each of us is a manifestation of God. Because that is who we really are!

Please join us, once again, as we sit together at the feet of the masters and absorb, quite literally, the greatest teachings on the planet.

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