Will of God – What Does God Want From Me Anyway?

Will of God – What Does God Want From Me Anyway?

What is the Will of God?

Of course, the basic answer is simple: God wants the best for us.

He wants us to excel, to shine and to manifest the highest expression of His presence within us. In other words, God wants us to become the Christ. And God’s Will is always Good.

But because everyday life is sometimes hectic and focused on getting by in the physical world, God’s Will is not always clear to us.

Fortunately, we have the great ascended master, El Morya, on our side! He is the Chohan of the Blue Ray of devotion to the Will of God. If we will make the effort to apply his teachings and decrees, they are designed to unlock the Will of God for all of us.  So next time you wonder what God really wants from you, ask El Morya for help.

Listen to the Podcast Now

The Will of God – What Does God Want From Me Anyway?
Length: 1 hour

Get it on iTunes: here.

The Open Door Radio Show
The Internet Voice for The Summit Lighthouse

The internet voice for the Summit Lighthouse presents the teachings of the ascended masters. We offer an opportunity for spiritual seekers everywhere to come up higher and embrace a journey of soul liberation. The goal?  To graduate from Earth’s schoolroom and ultimately return home to the heart of God in the ritual of the ascension.

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