Champion a Cause for Freedom

Champion a Cause for Freedom

This excerpt is from a dictation by Saint Germain published in the 1994 Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 37 No. 43.

Let us consider championing the right of the individual to know the unadulterated truth of the Path and the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

If you would make this the challenge that you take on and the freedom that you champion, think what you will have to do. You will have to deal with all the negative publicity generated by the press since the Ascended Masters have stepped through the veil through the early Messengers, all the way back to Blavatsky. It has been over a century now that the press has vilified the activities of the Ascended Masters, their Messengers and their students—and not only the press but fanatical religious organizations who are not about to open the way for freedom of religion except it be their own freedom of religion.

Blessed hearts, understand that to champion a freedom you must challenge the encroachments upon that freedom and restore that freedom to its intended use. I say this, beloved, for the violet flame is able. The violet flame is able to consume the assaults against the four sacred freedoms. It is able to consume the mudslinging against those who represent the Great White Brotherhood. At every corner you see the rights of those who stand for truth being challenged.

I say, beloved, speak gently and tenderly and lovingly with an open heart, a loving heart, a compassionate heart—the heart of kindness that is the signet of Lord Maitreya—and speak on those subjects in which you find agreement with another. But come to the place where you are also willing to take a stand as freedom fighters, even as the wondrous saints have gone forth to fight the battles of this century and many past centuries and have laid down their lives for the honor, the freedom and the defense of their nations and their causes.

Understand, beloved, that you do have a cause. And you have deliberated and you have determined to begin to make your contributions to putting the Messenger on satellite. Blessed hearts, decree for it! Decree for the proper niche for these Teachings. Decree for every aspect of the Messenger’s presentation of the Teachings to the world.

And remember, each and every one of you is a patriot of Saint Germain, is a freedom fighter and can be one who carries the message and speaks the message by the Holy Spirit.

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered on October 10, 1994, during the four-day conference The Call of Padma Sambhava: Padma Sambhava Calls Home His Tertöns held at the Royal Teton Ranch. It is available at Using the Search function, click Albums > List all Albums.

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