For Those Who Would Teach Men the Way

For Those Who Would Teach Men the Way

Two Handbooks By the World Teachers
Jesus & Kuthumi

Prayer and Meditation & Corona Class Lessons

The Lost Teachings of Jesus are being shouted from the housetops. Let the disciples of the Lord join him and his beloved Saint Francis (known as Kuthumi) to deliver to his own these precious dictations on prayer as unbroken communion with the Father and meditation as a two-way communication system to God.

Let their 48 Corona Class Lessons lead you step by step up the mount of transfiguration as you learn with Peter, James and John of Jesus' communion with the ascended and angelic hosts and take up the mantle he gives you to preach his Lost Teachings to the world.

You can run with the message as Jesus and Kuthumi show you how to teach the precepts that are laid in divine order for the salvation of souls and their protection in this time of trouble.

Yes, the teachings are meant to be taught, God-taught, by each one who has drunk from the cup of the Saviour. Hearts reach out to you who know the true meaning of his life and mission. They call to you to teach them the Way of personal Christhood—the Path of Love that freely gives to all the living Bread which is come down to us from heaven today.

The supreme joy of reading Jesus' own words dictated to the Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet—of entering the heart of Saint Francis, everyone's divine poverello—is beyond many a soul's hope for comfort and enlightenment in this world. Yet here, now, are two handbooks of the most profound, the most essential knowledge so needed by seekers for Christ's healing Truth made simple and practical for everyday situations.

Let Jesus and Kuthumi open your understanding of the Divine Doctrine and show you how to face and conquer life with the Spirit of Christ's victory, even as you show others how to prepare for the Lord's coming-bodily into their temple-with his Holy Spirit and saints.

“I tell you, the Corona Class Lessons are sacred scripture. You can easily walk up and down, take your exercise and recite aloud in a soft voice the beauty of the Word as you articulate it and therefore build, brick by brick in the physical octave, the kingdom of God by the power of the spoken Word of the saints. These are holy words. They are not to be read once for information, but many times for assimilation.” – Ascended Master Pope John XXIII, January 25, 1987

Assimilate the Word with Your Personal Copies

Order your personal copies of Prayer and Meditation and Corona Class Lessons—written especially for you who would teach men the Way, all the way home to God—with Jesus “my Saviour.” From the heart of Jesus, these two handbooks for disciples of the Lord's Word and Work are your key to fulfilling his scriptural challenge to “feed his sheep” and do his “greater works.”

Prayer and Meditation includes chapters on the Science of the Spoken Word, Individualization of the God Flame, Saint Germain, violet-flame decrees, plus 18 illustrations of world teachers. 350 pp.

Corona Class Lessons 48 chapters with 32-page color section on Healing through the Transfiguration, 500 pp., #1654, $12.95.

“All who would follow in my footsteps must understand that unless they are able to contact the great Source of life and continually renew their strength, their mission will not be carried forth in the manner desired by God.” Jesus

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Keepers of the Flame - Jesus and Kuthumi

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