I AM Affirmations for Spiritual Health

I AM Affirmations for Spiritual Health

Mantra for Spiritual Healing

I AM the resurrection and the life
of every cell and atom of my heart
now made manifest!

Whenever you pronounce the name of God “I AM” as the affirmation of God's own being where you are, you are really saying, “God in me is…” The name I AM was given to Moses for our blessing.

Threefold flame of the heartSo in this mantra you are actually acknowledging: “God in me is the resurrection and the life of every cell and atom of my heart now made manifest!”

Because “I AM” is the sacred name as well as the verb “to be,” we understand our God to be a living, ongoing, dynamic reality–a most personal Presence who reveals himself to us in action in our individual lives and in his miraculous yet entirely scientific flow of Light, Light, Light!

God wants us to affirm our being as his, and his as our very own. It is our fiery destiny to be One–i.e., to share in his universal oneness. This we accomplish, day by day, by confirming his Word–”I AM”–in our mantras.

The science of the spoken Word is the means to our soul's union with Spirit.

If you don't believe it, prove it for yourself!

Give your mantra for the resurrection and the life of your heart many times a day.

Enjoy it! For God's energy enjoys the mighty work of making you whole. And he wants you to enjoy a fruitful life as you serve to set all life free.

The resurrection flame, the acceleration of the threefold flame which is released in this effective fiat, was used by Jesus the Christ in his victory over death and hell.

He came to show you the way so that you could do the same through Christ who lives in you as your own Real Self.

I AM Affirmations for Healing

What are you waiting for? Say it out loud with all your heart:

I AM the resurrection and the life of every cell and atom of my heart now made manifest!

The resurrection flame can be felt as a radiant, mother-of-pearl softness, bathing the body in a gentle, suffusing glow. As it accelerates with the ritual of your daily application, the rainbow rays merge into the white light.

Our beloved Jesus gave us the “I AM” affirmation–”I AM the resurrection and the life_________”–to use for any condition or situation that has gone awry from the original intent of our Father.

So you can say:

I AM the resurrection and the life of my perfect health now made manifest!

By all means, you should be very specific in naming the part or parts of the body affected. Always affirm the perfection desired in place of the imperfect manifestation:

I AM the resurrection and the life of the inner blueprint of (Insert names of body parts that have been affected) now made manifest!

Now that you have set the matrix of your “I AM” affirmation, give and learn by heart another beautiful affirmation of the Lord's eternal Spirit of the Resurrection everywhere present where you are–but especially in your members that need healing and wholeness:

I AM the flame of resurrection
Blazing God's pure light through me
Now I AM raising every atom,
From every shadow I AM free!

I AM the light of God's full presence,
I AM living ever free.
Now the flame of Life eternal
Rises up to victory!

The Resurrection Flame for Regeneration

The flame of the resurrection (a stepped-up version of your threefold flame) is invoked for the resurgence of Life whenever the flow of Life is interfered with or abruptly cut off–whether at the molecular level or within the organic bodies of entire communities and nations or in the environment of elemental life. Its colorful crystals are the cupbearers of renewal, rebirth, rejuvenation, and restoration.

Passing through atoms, cells, and electrons, the resurrection flame transmits the spin of your soul's joie de vivre, restoring the natural rhythm of your unique life cycles. Beginning with your heartbeat, then activating the pulsation of billions of atomic nuclei and sun-centers of your cells, it regulates the figure-eight flow of spiritual energies in and out of your matter universe.

The resurrection flame is the fount of bubbling joy that brings the smile of spiritual satisfaction to your face, because you experience that inner awareness of your never-ending reason for being.

Resurrection Flame Visualization for Healing

Visualize yourself standing in a pillar of swirling, opalescent rainbow spirals. Through the “I AM” name and the resurrection flame, you know who you are because you know who God is.

Visualize the swirling mother-of-pearl stream of resurrection's flame bathing and invigorating your heart. Feel its regenerative power restore the rhythm and beauty of flow in your life stream.

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