Are You a Keeper of the Flame of Life Without Knowing It?
The Problem Humanity Faces Today—and the Core Reason for That Problem
THE PROBLEM: Despite signs of spiritual progress, earth is in a downward spiral. Nations face devastating challenges, such as division, poverty and war. People suffer. Truth is often a casualty of political expediency.
THE REASON FOR THE PROBLEM: One of the key reasons the earth is in a downward spiral is that not enough people among mankind are keeping the flame of Life that burns upon the altar of their hearts.
You see, it is a requirement of cosmic law, set by the Lords of Karma, that unless enough people tend the flame, civilization on earth cannot be sustained.
Because the flame radiates love.
The flame heals.
The flame transmutes darkness.
The flame sustains divinity in matter.
The flame is divine life itself.
The Solution to the Problem
THE SOLUTION: And so, the solution to reversing the downward spiral of earth and raising its collective consciousness is to tend the flame of Life.
THE ROADMAP OF THE SOLUTION: You may already be keeping the flame of Life today through prayer, meditation, service to others and more. And that is a great service to humanity.
Here are four advanced spiritual practices to take this most sacred activity of tending the flame of Life to the next level:
- #1: Remember your story and claim your destiny
- #2: Restore the memory of your divine identity
- #3: Take your daily karma seriously
- #4: Practice the ancient Science of Invocation
#1: Remember Your Story and Claim Your Divine Destiny
Long ago, the Cosmic Council had decided upon the dissolution of earth and her evolutions because “the souls of her children no longer worshiped the Trinity in the threefold flame of Life burning upon the altar of the heart. They had become the sheep gone astray.
“Their attention fixed upon the outer manifestation, they had willfully, ignorantly abandoned the inner walk with God. They knew not the hidden man of the heart, that blessed Ishwara, and the seven candles no longer burned in the seven windows.” (1)
And so, earth faced the darkest hour in its history as it was about to “be rolled up as a scroll and lit as a taper of the sacred fire.” (2)
It was at that most critical moment that Sanat Kumara, known as the Ancient of Days, volunteered to exile himself upon the “dark star” of earth and be the Keeper of the Flame on behalf of a suffering, unenlightened humanity. It is for this great sacrifice that Sanat Kumara is known as the Great Bodhisattva.
Sanat Kumara established his physical retreat on the White Island in the Gobi Sea, now the Gobi Desert. And from there at Shamballa, he extended a thread of light to everyone’s heart so he could keep the flame of Life on their behalf, until the few and eventually the many would remember their reason for being and learn once again to keep the flame themselves.
But Sanat Kumara did not come alone. One hundred and forty-four thousand souls volunteered to come with him to help him fulfill his mission.
You may be feeling a deep inner longing to fulfill your mission and find your community.
And that would be because the story of Sanat Kumara is your story.
If you feel in your heart that you are one of the 144,000 who came with him to Shamballa, welcome Home.
Welcome back to your spiritual family.
We have been apart for far too long and our souls yearn to come together again to serve the Great Bodhisattva, as in days of yore.
And so, the Keepers of the Flame of planet earth say today with one voice: “Hail to Thee, Sanat Kumara, Ancient of Days, you are truly the king of our hearts. And we are ever so grateful for your sacrifice. And we declare, in your name, that earth shall have her victory!”
To help remember the story of the coming of Sanat Kumara and your role in that great moment in cosmic history, please click on the video below to watch the “Arise, Shine for Thy Light Is Come” musical meditation.
[vimeo 317353496 w=640 h=360]#2: Restore the Memory of Your Divine Identity
As life after life we gave in to lesser desires and made wrong choices, our consciousness fell from its pure estate. And we lost the memory of our divine identity.
In other words, we have forgotten who and what we are. We often think of ourselves as helpless human beings resigned to a life of struggle and suffering. In reality, we are children of the Light, children of the Most-High God, and we have access to great power, wisdom and love, in the name I AM THAT I AM.
And so, our divine identity is the Monad, the Inner God, the Atman—our very own I AM Presence.
The ascended master and World Teacher Kuthumi tells us that “perfection is not nearly so far away as some would lead you to believe. For it dwells right in your God Presence, the I AM THAT I AM, often abiding just a few feet above your physical head.” (3)
The I AM Presence is surrounded by the causal body—seven concentric spheres of spiritual energy that contain the record of all your good works. Below the I AM Presence is your Holy Christ Self, often called the Mediator and the hidden man of the heart.
And right within the secret chamber of your heart is the flame of Life, also known as the divine spark and the unfed Flame, connecting to the I AM Presence with the crystal cord.
Your first calling then is to restore the memory of these aspects of your divinity by attention and love.
You can begin this very moment, by making this simple call. Take a deep breath, focus on your heart, and say this with deep feeling:
“Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, reveal yourself to me today! Guide me. Protect me. Heal me. Show me how to magnify the flame of Life in my heart. I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power.”
#3: Take Your Daily Karma Seriously
We all know about karma, the law of cause and effect. Yet for most us, karma is a theoretical concept. We understand it intellectually, but we don’t think of our PERSONAL karma as the reason for our problems.
In other words, we don’t take the burden of our karma seriously and we don’t realize the great impact karma has in our daily affairs.
Ask yourself: Do you have a deep soul awareness of the karmic energy you have to deal with every day, such as in your work, your relationships, your finances, and even your inner life?
If you have the awareness of karma as a powerful force in your life and you actively work to transmute that karma, consider yourself wise and fortunate. Transmuting your karma will help you become more aware of the flame of Life within your heart, clear up difficult situations you face, bring you deep inner joy and much more.
And if you don’t have this awareness of karma as the great hidden force in your life, you can begin by taking responsibility for the karma you created in this and past lives. When your take responsibility for your life today as a result of your past actions, you let go of excuses, powerlessness and blame. And you feel empowered to take charge.
The key is to learn the lessons behind the karma. And remember: karma is never punishment. Karma is our merciful teacher in the schoolroom of earth.
And so, you can balance your karma, as well as planetary karma, by engaging in several spiritual practices. At the same time, you can explore another powerful antidote to karma.
This karma antidote, known as the violet flame, has been brought to us by the ascended masters. The violet flame is the sacred fire of the seventh ray, and it is a great spiritual gift for our time. You can invoke the violet transmuting flame right now, by clicking on the audio link below:
Audio PlayerViolet Fire, thou love divine,
Blaze within this heart of mine!
Thou art mercy forever true,
Keep me always in tune with you.
#4: Practice the Ancient Science of Invocation
Elizabeth Clare Prophet tells us about the ancient Science of Invocation, also known as the Science of the Spoken Word, “which was practiced on Atlantis and Lemuria. More than twelve thousand years ago in the temples of these lost continents, priests and priestesses of the sacred fire made invocation to the flame of Life, applying the principles of the Science of the Spoken Word.
“This science, which has been practiced for many centuries by adepts in the Far East and by western mystics as well, outlines the uses of the voice in conjunction with the throat chakra in the giving of mantras, chants, prayers, invocations, affirmations, songs of joy and praise, and fiats of light to increase the action of benign forces on the planetary body and in the world of individual man…
“One of the most important and vital techniques of self-mastery taught by the Brotherhood is the Science of Invocation, which includes the art of decreeing.
By employing this method of expanding consciousness, you can bring yourself into closer proximity with the flame of Life that is within your own being and ultimately experience the baptism of the sacred fire foretold by John the Baptist when he spoke of the coming Christ, “He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.” (4)
The word “invoke” comes from the Latin “invocare,” which means to call upon. And so, we call upon the Mighty I AM Presence, the Elohim, the archangels, the ascended masters, and other beings of light. And we work to “keep the flame of Life on behalf of a humanity, yet unenlightened and unawakened.” (5)
“The call compels the answer!” So says El Morya Khan, Mahatma of the Himavat and Chohan of the first ray. (6) And so, we practice the Science of Invocation through calls, fiats, decrees, invocations, mantras, I AM affirmations, chants, musical meditations and more. <!–So please take a moment now to call to the great prince of the archangels, Archangel Michael himself. You can make this brief but powerful call to Archangel Michael any time you need protection or help. (Please click on the audio link below.)
Archangel Michael, Help me! Help Me! Help Me!
Please click on the video below to listen to our choir chanting the names of God. The image represents an ascension ceremony conducted by the hierarch of Luxor in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid.
[vimeo 323579455 w=640 h=360]
Should You Keep the Flame of Life Alone?
You now know four advanced spiritual practices you can use to tend the flame of Life in the secret chamber of your heart.
Naturally, you can pursue this sacred activity by yourself. And you are likely to get positive results.
And yet, it’s hard to walk the path of initiation alone.
The direct sponsorship of an ascended master and the support of a loving community you can call Home can make the difference and it can help you accelerate your spiritual growth and service to life.
That ascended master is Saint Germain and the community is the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet explains that, “The Fraternity was founded by Saint Germain in the beginning of The Summit Lighthouse activity to be a fraternal order to provide students with lessons of instruction on cosmic law and not to require that its members be affiliated with any particular church. (The Summit Lighthouse is a spiritual non-profit organization dedicated to universal enlightenment and the soul’s reunion with God.)
“Rather, the requirement is to be students of the ancient mysteries and the mysteries of alchemy, much in the sense of the Masonic Order or the Rosicrucians or the Knights Templar, all of which Saint Germain himself had a hand in founding.” (7)
More on the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity…
“So that is a fraternity of men and women around the world,” Elizabeth Clare Prophet continues, “who have one commitment—this is the only vow you take as a Keeper of the Flame—to keep the flame of Life on behalf of yourself and earth's evolutions. And then the lessons tell you how to do that in succeeding teachings.” (8)
The Keepers of the Flame Fraternity offers you a doorway into one of the active inner schools of the ascended masters today. The Fraternity is the counterpart here below to the hierarchy of light Above, also known as the Great White Brotherhood. (The term “White” refers to the white light emanating from the beings of light and not any race.)
As the Knight Commander of the Fraternity, “Saint Germain desires to personally sponsor its members in the guru-chela relationship and he uses the Fraternity and its lessons to do so.
“As you serve the Master, he serves you.
“The lightbearers of this world are intended to be operating under the sponsorship and the mantle of Saint Germain and Portia…. Saint Germain asks no one to give up their church, their religion, their particular teacher, their books. You can be a member of any church and still be a member of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity.” (9)
And so, as you give your support to Saint Germain, he in turn sponsors your personal path of initiation, releasing instruction in cosmic law, which, when applied, leads to self-mastery.
You Are Worthy to Serve with Saint Germain
Remember: No matter what your station in life is, no matter if you are rich or poor, young or old, it makes no difference whatsoever to Saint Germain and your fellow fraternity members, men and women of every faith and race.
It is the flame of Life in your heart that makes you worthy to serve Saint Germain, not your human personality and worldly success. What’s more, you’ve had hundreds of embodiments since you originally came to earth with Sanat Kumara, and your spiritual attainment counts far more than your material attainment.
You see, Saint Germain’s purpose is to awaken you and all the 144,000 lightbearers and to restore the memory of your ancient vow and reason for being on earth today.
As long as your soul feels the inner call to rekindle the flame of Life and the sacred fires of freedom in the souls of God’s people, and you make the commitment to serve Saint Germain, you are worthy to do so.
Saint Germain’s purpose is also to provide an open door whereby the ascended masters may contact their embodied chelas and the chelas may contact their true teachers. Once the pledge is made and contact is established, your initiation will commence.
Your earnest study and self-mastery of the teachings, skipping no steps along the way—however advanced you may believe your spiritual attainment to be—is the sign of humility that, to the pure in heart, unlocks the mysteries contained even in the most basic instruction.
And so, yes. Saint Germain needs you and he’s calling you to find your way back to him and Sanat Kumara. All you have to do is take the extended hand of divine friendship.
The Immense Importance of the Thread of Contact with Hierarchy
When Sanat Kumara came to Shamballa along with his retinue, he established a great spiritual order of beings of light, known as the Great White Brotherhood.
The duty of the members of the Great White Brotherhood was to teach, guide and protect the souls of planet earth who had fallen into a downward spiral, and woo them back to their first love.
Down through the ages, members of the Great White Brotherhood have come forth to sponsor mystery schools, inspire uplifting movements and assist the lifewaves of earth in every aspect of their evolution.
In the early 1960s Saint Germain stepped forth yet again, and through his embodied representative, the Messenger Mark. L. Prophet, he instituted the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity—a new inner school of the ascended masters.
“Saint Germain went before the Lords of Karma once again,” the ascended master El Morya states. “He asked for and received the dispensation to place his purple cape, the mantle of his service, upon the altar of humanity, and specifically upon the altar of all true devotees of the flame of freedom—those destined to be the avant-garde of the Aquarian age.” (10)
It is because of this dispensation granted by the Lords of Karma that Saint Germain can extend his one-on-one sponsorship to you.
And this sponsorship, this living thread of contact with Saint Germain is extremely important for your spiritual growth and your ability to serve life to a greater degree.
As an ascended master and the hierarch of the Aquarian age, Saint Germain has great spiritual power. And he is willing and able to use this power to assist you on your spiritual path all the way to your ultimate freedom—the ascension.
Who Is Saint Germain?
Saint Germain is our immortal friend and brother. As the Chohan of the Seventh Ray and Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, he is leading the people of earth into a new era of freedom and enlightenment.
At the time of Atlantis, Saint Germain served as a high priest and a master of invocation at the Temple of Purification.
Through invocations and his boundless love for the flame of Life, Saint Germain sustained a pillar of fire, a veritable fountain of the violet flame, which magnetized people from near and far who came to be set free from binding conditions that afflicted their body, soul and mind.
These devotees achieved physical and spiritual healing through the offering of invocations and the practice of seventh-ray rituals to the sacred fire.
Saint Germain was embodied as the prophet Samuel, Saint Joseph, Merlin at the court of Camelot, Christopher Columbus, Francis Bacon and as the Count Saint Germain, the Wonderman of Europe. In his embodiments as Christopher Columbus, Francis Bacon and the Comte de Saint Germain, he paved the way for the technological revolution and the personal freedoms we enjoy today.
At the end of his embodiment as Francis Bacon in the seventeenth century, Saint Germain broke the wheel of birth and rebirth and made his ascension. Saint Germain is the Master Alchemist who teaches us how to tend the flame of Life on the altar of our hearts and transmute the metal of our souls into the gold of the Spirit.
“The only difference between us is that I have chosen to be free, and you have yet to make the choice,” Saint Germain says. “We have the same potential, the same resources, the same connection to the One.”
“I have taken mine to forge a God-identity. For long ago, the still small voice within spoke the fiat of Alpha and the living God: Children of the One, forge your God-identity.
“And in the stillness of the night, I heard the call and I answered, I will! And when I said, I will!, all of cosmos echoed, I will! The will to be summons the vastness of the potential of being….
“I am Saint Germain, and I have come to claim your soul and the fires of your heart for the victory of the Aquarian age. I have set the pattern for your soul’s initiation….
“I am on the path of freedom. Take that path, and you will find me there. I am your teacher if you will have me.” (11)
Who Are the Messengers?
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pioneers in modern spirituality and internationally renowned authors, served fearlessly as the messengers of the Great White Brotherhood.
Since the founding of The Summit Lighthouse in 1958 and for more than forty years, they set forth the teachings of the ascended masters—the immortal saints of East and West who have become one with God in the ritual of the ascension.
Mark and Elizabeth taught that the essential spiritual truths at the heart of all the world’s religions are the same, and they showed how spiritual seekers from any background can walk a path towards reunion with God.
Among their most important contributions were to awaken the world to the Science of the Spoken Word and to promote the use of the violet flame for personal and planetary transformation. They have written more than 100 books, which have sold millions of copies around the world. Among their most important titles are Climb the Highest Mountain, The Lost Years of Jesus and Saint Germain On Alchemy.
Your Personal Invitation to Join the Fraternity…
The Keepers of the Flame Fraternity is the giving and receiving of the Master and his disciples. As the Master freely gives his cosmic momentum as a mantle of light to his disciples to hasten the day of their soul’s liberation, so the disciple offers unto the Master devotion unto the flame, service, and a determination to purify the self as a crystal chalice for the Master’s work on earth. Thus, the Master blesses the disciple as his instrument.
To support the publishing of the teachings of the ascended masters, the printed lessons and the worldwide outreach of Saint Germain, Keepers of the Flame pledge to the fraternity monthly dues. What’s more, over the years, dues from Keepers of the Flame have enabled the activity to maintain its international headquarters and the Inner Retreat at the 7,000-acre Royal Teton Ranch in Montana.
Below you will find several options for joining the Fraternity.
I'm Ready to Enroll in the Fraternity Now
I have questions, I want to talk with a Mentor
(1) Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 22. No. 14, Sanat Kumara, April 8, 1979
(2) Ibid
(3) Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 3. No. 13, Beloved Kuthumi, March 25, 1960
(4) Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word, Page XI
(5) Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 22. No. 14, Sanat Kumara, April 8, 1979
(6) Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 6. No. 9, El Morya, March 1, 1963
(7) Elizabeth Clare Prophet, October 9, 1984
(8) Elizabeth Clare Prophet, May 28, 1986
(9) Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 4, 1991
(10) Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 18. No. 14, El Morya, April 6, 1975
(11) Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 18. No. 30, Saint Germain, July 27, 1975