The Secret of Keeping the Christmas Rose

The Secret of Keeping the Christmas Rose

In celebration of Christmas, the following is an excerpt from Jesus' Christmas 1992 address, I Will Let No Man Take My Crown of Joy published in the 1992 Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 35 No. 69.

Would you not know the secret of keeping the Christmas Rose of joy–joy perpetually in the heart that nothing can move or turn aside? Would you not become the invincible manifestation of my joy, beloved? [“Yes.”]

I would also know you as the “joy fountains” in the earth where I may come and drink, where many who are without joy may drink of the fount and yet the fount should not decrease.

Oh, the perpetual giving of the flame of joy!

Oh, the laughter of the Christed ones who know this joy and who have discovered the secret of not letting go of it under any circumstance!

Is this not the true joy of self-mastery?

Indeed it is, beloved.

Well, then, when you set yourself to this determination to open the floodgates of joy that shall never be shut again–a joy that is the perpetual fountain of Life flowing through you descending from your I AM Presence–you thereby challenge all forces of doom and gloom and all sundry manifestations that happen to be along the lines of self-preference and indulgence and the dependency upon others for happiness, for fun, for laughter.

There must be a moment in your life when you say: “I will let no man take my crown of joy! I will stand and still stand. I will find the joy in every happening, in every occurrence I see. And where I see nonjoy, I shall have within myself such a momentum of joy that I may fill the vacuum!”

Blessed hearts, you may not be able to convert others to joy, for so many, so many enjoy the indulgence in sadness, in self- sympathy and self-pity. So many are so accustomed to nonjoy that allows the complaining and the self-indulgence that they would not know what to do with themselves if life were perpetually joyous.

Joy is an inner quietude.

It is an inner consciousness of well-being.

It is an inner point of contact with all stars and Causal Bodies.

Joy is what centers you in the crisscrossings of the great antahkarana of Life. When you are in joy, you are in sync with the great Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Joy, then, must come by an appreciation of small things and great, an appreciation of life as it is before you in a moment.

Is it a glistening dewdrop?

Is it the face of a child or a smile?

Is it something precious that is without price, for it comes directly from the heart?

If you will, make a list of all those things that bring joy to you and affirm them. I will leave you to your deliberations as to how you will return to the point of joy, but I will suggest that gratitude in action is a most wondrous way to continually perceive the joy flame of life.

Beloved ones, moments after some seeming tragedy has come upon you, you can [by the joy flame] see through it to the other side and experience joy because God has shown you that this is something that you must pass through.

Joy, beloved, cannot be thinking too much of itself, for joy is something that we give. And as we give, it begets more within us. Joy is a flame that is opposed by the very worst side of everyone, for all that is not real about you, all that is less than that God-Reality, cringes at the point of dazzling joy that you keep in your house and in your heart.

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