A Prayer for Souls Who Are Taking Their Leave of the Earth Today

A Prayer for Souls Who Are Taking Their Leave of the Earth Today

A Prayer from Ashram Notes

Ashram NotesEl Morya, Lord of the First RayThe ascended master El Morya wrote, “This Ashram Note takes the form of a prayer for departing loved ones, that you might be comforted in time of bereavement and that you might comfort others through the intercession of the angelic hosts.

“Use it with the certain knowledge and the profound faith that the call to Almighty Light, the Father-Mother God, on behalf of those close to you and the many who are making their way across samsara to the Eternal Bourne, is always answered!”

Signed, M

Beloved Presence of God I AM in the hearts of all mankind, beloved Lord Michael, Archangel of Deliverance, and your angelic hosts:

In the name of the souls of humanity—particularly those who shall be called from their mortal forms by our heavenly Father this day—I make this call.

Let the angels of peace stand by the physical body of each soul and hold at perfect peace the aura and feelings of these ones taking their leave of the physical octave and of those present where such release is taking place.

Through the presence of the seraphim of God let the aura of sanctity be sustained at the solemn hour of transition that the soul may be cut free from her earthly tabernacle by the legions of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel.

Let all fear and doubt, sorrow in separation and grief in the parting of loved ones be consumed by Archangel Zadkiel's angels of the violet flame that there be no distress to souls standing at the threshold of a new freedom.

Let the Lord's angels of deliverance meet each soul. Let not a lifestream belonging to earth's evolution pass through the veil of so-called death unattended.

According to his will, let all children of God who pass from the screen of life this day be taken to the temples of mercy and forgiveness and bathed in the purifying fires of Saint Germain's violet flame.

Let them be prepared to pass before the Lords of Karma in the dignity of their Christ Self and in full conscious awareness; and let each one be assigned to a schoolroom of Life and be given the opportunity to study the Great Law as it pertains to his own evolution.

I call to the Lords of Mercy and Love to enfold all those whose loved ones are about to leave or are recently departed this earth, to transmute and consume all burden and sense of loss, and to fill each heart and home with peace and understanding for the opportunity afforded souls called to other realms to progress on the path of eternal Life.

So be it! I accept it done in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen.

This prayer, “Prayer for Souls Who Are Taking Their Leave of the Earth Today,” is from the book, Ashram Notes by the Ascended Master El Morya, Chapter 13.


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