The Purpose of Resurrection’s Flame

The Purpose of Resurrection’s Flame

This excerpt on the purpose of Resurrection's Flame is from A Purging Love by the Lady Master Nada published in the 1991 Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 34 No. 12.

Understand, then, what is the purpose of resurrection’s flame as it pertains to the trial by fire. It is this, beloved. The resurrection flame is like a bubbling elixir. It is a mother-of-pearl radiance and when it comes through the body and rises up, it will bring to the surface all things.

Thus, quickly you may look at those agents of darkness, at those pockets of God-denial. You shall see them for what they are, for you shall see through the third eye and know that they may go into the flame, they may pass. Let them pass! Be not attached! Do not revolve again and again the old things–the old things of Atlantis and Lemuria and bygone days of darkness.

The resurrection flame does flush out, does consume, does carry away, does refine before it comes to the final work upon your soul, clothing you in garments of the Sixth Ray, clothing you in that Light of Christhood.

Thus the resurrection flame brings to the fore all of the Good, all of the attainment, all that you have won as victory lifetime after lifetime, which the fallen angels have denied and taken from you, mounting upon you again and again the condemnation of Death and Hell itself.

Resurrection’s fire brings now new life, the green of springtime, the new shoots. And all that is less, all that is not to be preserved is taken away as you yourself reject it. Keep this. Reject that. It is a sorting process.

The resurrection flame sorts for you but you have free will. You must be able to look at things, records, people, situations, longings, unfulfilled expectations and say to them all:

“I am a God-free being complete in myself in the heart of God. I do not need this. I do not need that. I do not need the next thing. Others may need my belongings. Let them have them. I am a being of Love and Love’s resurrection. I will give Love and all else I have I shall give away.”

Be God-free, beloved, for in the way of life in this decade you may more easily meet an angel or an Ascended Master walking down the street than a discarnate entity–if you keep the ring of fire round about you. Let your presence be fierce in Divine Love, perpetually repelling negative forces! They come to steal your Light. Do not be entertained by them nor entertain them.

Move with definiteness of purpose! Move with the inner vision. Move with the awareness that you are a sphere of Light, you are a compartment of God’s consciousness and we use you twenty-four hours a day to bring Light, Light, Light–Light of the Central Sun, Light of the Sacred Heart, Light of your Holy Christ Self [to all servants of God in the earth].

Be a sending and receiving station. Be a beacon in the night. Be a pillar of fire and a lighthouse on the rock! Many have need of your heart’s love.

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