Radiating the Light of Spirit Meditation

Radiating the Light of Spirit Meditation

Meditation To Experience Your Oneness with Spirit
Radiating the Light of Spirit Through Your Four Lower Bodies

A meditation to help you draw down the light of Spirit, the energy of your I AM Presence, and to radiate it through your four lower bodies* to cleanse and purify them.

Meditating on the I AM Presence, the Real Self, the eternal presence of God in our life

1. Go within and draw your attention to your heart. Place your hand over your heart to help focus your awareness there.

2. Breathe deeply until you feel calm and centered.

3. With your eyes closed, chant the words “I AM THAT I AM” nine times.

4. Visualize and feel the Divine light of your I AM Presence descending over your crystal cord through your Christ Self into your heart. The Chart of Your Divine Self can help you to visualize this action.

I AM Presence chart

5. See and feel that light expanding outward from your heart and penetrating each of your four lower bodies, one at a time:

Physical Body: Let the light energy flow first into your physical body radiating into every muscle, organ, and cell. Visualize the light flooding and consuming any troublesome physical condition you may have producing perfect health and vitality.

Emotional Body: In your emotional body, let the light of your I AM Presence radiate into any negative feelings you may have. Let it dissolve all anger, frustration, anxiety, fear and grief. Feel it washing over you, eliminating all tension and establishing a profound peace.

Mental Body: As the light energy moves into your mental body, see it penetrate and consume any negative or disturbing thoughts. See these thoughts melting as the light of your Presence moves through them, producing a positve mental outlook.

Etheric Body: Now in the etheric body, try to recall a painful memory. Direct the light of your I AM Presence into this rememberance. See it dissolve every facet of the memory until it entirely disappears.
Conclude your meditation with the following I AM affirmations:

I AM the perfect wholeness and harmony of my four lower bodies now made manifest! (3 times)

I AM grateful for the gift of light in my world today! (3 times)

I AM light, light, light! (3 times)

* The four lower bodies: four energy fields, interpenetrating sheaths of consciousness, each vibrating in its own dimension. A flesh-and-blood body, your physical body. A mind that cogitates, your mental body. Emotions and feelings, which express through your astral, or desire, or emotional body. A memory that is housed in your etheric, or memory, body, the highest vibrating of the four. These four lower bodies surround the soul and are the vehicles of expression in the material world of form.

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