Sending Freedom’s Flame in God’s Name

Sending Freedom’s Flame in God’s Name

This excerpt is from a dictation by Gautama Buddha published in the 1978 Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 21 No. 43.

This is the purpose of America–not the enslavement of peoples, not the tolerance of the enslavement of any part of life, but the sending forth of freedom’s flame in God’s name. Therefore in this cycle let us understand that there have come together–in the movement of government and toward greater freedom in government–souls of light who by the events of this year and the misuses of power by the president of this nation and his cabinet, they have come forth with a far greater determination, a greater organization, a greater vision, and–thanks to the decrees of lightbearers–with a greater energy to implement the plan of God.

Beloved ones, there are souls of great light to the left and to the right of the center, and in the center there are those who stand but do not stand in the center of the Middle Way of the Buddha or in the center of the Christ light. Beloved children of the sun, drop then from you all misconceptions and preconceptions of the destiny of nations and study then the law of the One, call upon the violet flame, and move to that time and space where you can understand both the karma and the dharma which must determine the decisions and the vote of the representatives of the people.

There are many in office today in the federal and state governments and at local levels in each and every nation who, because they neglect to follow the law of karma and dharma, do not judge righteous judgment and therefore do not properly represent the souls of the people but in actuality represent their outer minds, outer wants, and outer desires to the very destruction of the cosmic purposes of life in earth and in this solar system.

One cycle, then, has passed. There is a great organizing and amalgamation of forces at many levels, though unseen. For the first year of the cycle is yet in the etheric plane, and the second year of the cycle will also be in that etheric plane. And so you see, ten divided by the four quadrants gives equal opportunity in the etheric, mental, desire, and ultimately the earth cycle for souls of light to bring unto fulfillment the divine plan of God.

Heaven has its plan. We at Shamballa know that plan. We urge you to invoke it from the causal body of the Great Divine Director and, above all, to invoke the spiral that is yours to contribute and the spiral of your twin flame to contribute to the overall plan of the rescue mission of earth and her evolutions.

Let us understand, then, that there is a lifewave of souls who are intended to hold the balance of the Spirit cycle, keeping the white-fire core in dynamic decrees and making as their most important goal the spreading abroad of the teachings. We have our devotees who are keeping the flame also in the Matter plane who are servants of God in government–in the states and in the nation. Some of these have no idea of the teachings of the ascended masters. Some of these are being contacted on the stumping of the Mother and Lord Shiva, the stumping of El Morya and Saint Germain and of the chelas of the flame.

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