August 7th Anniversary

August 7th Anniversary

Founding of The Summit Lighthouse

Know, then, beloved, that to lay the foundation strong for this year of challenges, it is well to look back and reap the blessings and the Teachings. And inasmuch as all of you cannot read all of the Teachings or listen to all of the dictations, I suggest that you divide them up amongst yourselves so that when you take the staff as a whole and the larger Community as a whole there will be experts on certain years of Teachings, certain Masters and certain subjects, whereby the whole may be held in the heart one by one, some providing this portion, some another, and sharing it gladly with one another.

This Teaching must be a living and a vibrant teaching. It must be alive in your hearts and minds so that when you come together with your planning, beloved, you may also share the precious gems, many of which have not been found or looked into, many of which apply to the very current world scene. Even these seven dictations were for some time unnoticed [in the archives] and therefore heretofore you have celebrated the beginning of our organization on the eighth [of August] with the first Pearl of Wisdom.

Now you understand that it was the seventh when that divine dispensation and endowment of Causal Bodies unnumbered went forth. May you know this, beloved, and know that it is your hour to dedicate the founding of this Church Universal and Triumphant anew in the new heaven, in the new earth that is given.

Founding Dictations

I Offer You the Cup of Liquid Love: The Purpose of This Activity Is to Fulfill God's Will and to Externalize Love by Saint Germain

Let Your New Activity Be a Happy Activity: You Are the Light of God, Which Cannot Fail! by Godfre

My Peace I Give to You: Mighty I AM Presence, Pour Out the Radiant Golden Oil of Peace by the Elohim Peace

Protection for This Activity by the Sword of Blue Flame: A Nucleus of Seven by Archangel Michael

The Heart Center of a New Activity: “Paraclete of Light, Descend!” by the Maha Chohan

Unconditioned Love: “My Blessings at the Beginning of the Race” by Gautama Buddha

With a Smile of Hope: “Thy Will, O God, Is Good!” by El Morya

Founding Dictations at Ascended Master Library

The seven founding dictations of The Summit Lighthouse through Mark Prophet, as well as the dictations and teachings by Elizabeth Clare Prophet given during the 39th Anniversary Service in 1997, are available as an eAlbum. You can purchase and download (or purchase as MP3s) these timeless and foundational teachings from the Ascended Master Library.

To quickly find the album:

  1. Log on the the AML website
  2. Click “Create a New Project”
  3. Choose your format: Audio CD (holds 80 minutes of audio), MP3 CD (holds 12 hours of audio), or Download,
  4. Click “Search”
  5. Click the “Album” button
  6. Enter the keyword “founding” and Click “Search”
  7. Click the “Add” button next to the album

To find just the seven founding dictations,

  1. Log on the the AML website
  2. Click “Create a New Project”
  3. Choose your format: Audio CD, MP3 CD, or Download,
  4. Click “Advanced Search”
  5. Click the “Mark Prophet” radio button
  6. Enter the date range 1/1/1958 – 8/10/1958 and Click “Search”
  7. Click the “Add” button next to each dictation

Excerpt from Pearls of Wisdom El Morya, Vol. 33 No. 35 (September 9, 1990)

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