Saint Germain’s Violet Flame Gift

Violet Flame Decrees

With Elizabeth Clare Prophet

So with the coming of Saint Germain's dispensation for the Aquarian age, we have the sponsorship of America; you have the sponsorship of Australia. Many freedom movements have come forth due to his aura, his presence.

This Master—if you can really comprehend the meaning of the Master—is so profound and has such attainment, his aura fills the planet. He does keep the action of freedom in every type of situation, be it education or science. As you know, he is the father of that science. Sir Francis Bacon was the final embodiment of Saint Germain. During that lifetime his book, New Advancement of Learning, influenced the founders of the Royal Society.

But the violet flame is the key to action.

We have a lot of people today who like to talk about things; even politics has become metaphysical. We are seized with our theories. We think we know the way things should be done. But they don't stand the test of practical action. They don't work.

The violet flame sees to it that we are charged with what works. What works is what is right as long its purpose is to glorify God in you and Christ in all people. So the violet flame is like that whistle, that tremendous wind of the Holy Spirit, that takes from us everything else but what is necessary to get this world in shape.

So I want to tell you from my personal experience, I know all of you have an intense desiring of your heart to do more for people, for life, to become more of who you are. And I know what that desiring is and I know you wouldn't be here if you didn't have it.

The giant step into the path of the masterful presence of your Godhood, the giant step into the Great White Brotherhood, from the former to the new age, is the violet flame.

So let's do it. The proof is in the pudding. I commend you to the great joy of this practice daily.

Remember: when you say I AM, you're saying God in me is. This is the I AM the Violet Flame mantra.

I AM the Violet Flame

(Violet Flame Decree 70.11 given 3 times)

I AM the Violet Flame
In action in me now
I AM the Violet Flame
To Light alone I bow

I AM the Violet Flame
In mighty Cosmic Power
I AM the Light of God
Shining every hour

I AM the Violet Flame
Blazing like a sun
I AM God's sacred power
Freeing every one

“That's three ways to give that decree. It's your choice. They are all correct. It just depends on building a momentum. I am using a funnel of air from the seat-of-the-soul chakra up to my throat chakra to give this decree.

The power is the power of all of my chakras, all seven at work simultaneously, releasing that sacred fire in the focus of the spoken Word.”

Violet Flame Mantra: I AM a Being of Violet Fire

(Given 8 times)

I AM a being of Violet Fire! I AM the purity God desires!

More Violet Fire by Ascended Master Hilarion

(Violet flame decree 5.02 given 3 times)

The Lovely God Presence violet-flame decree, More Violet Fire has a very special rhythm. The power of this decree is in the spoken Word and the rhythm.

Lovely God Presence, I AM in me,
Hear me now I do decree:
Bring to pass each blessing for which I call
Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all.

Let Violet Fire of Freedom roll
Round the world to make all whole;
Saturate the earth and its people, too,
With increasing Christ-radiance shining through.

I AM this action from God above,
Sustained by the hand of heaven's Love,
Transmuting the causes of discord here,
Removing the cores so that none do fear.

The full power of Freedom's Love
Raising all earth to heaven above.
Violet Fire now blazing bright,
In living beauty is God's own Light

Which right now and forever
Sets the world, myself, and all life
Eternally free in Ascended Master Perfection.
Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM!

Keepers of the Flame - violet flame

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