The following are some of the teachings given by the ascended masters over the years on the spiritual significance and opportunity that winter solstice (northern hemisphere) has for the chela on the path.
Solstice Letters to the Karmic Board
The Lords of Karma meet at the Royal Teton Retreat biannually, at the turn of the year and at summer solstice, to review petitions from unascended mankind and to grant dispensations for their assistance. Traditionally, students of the Ascended Masters write personal petitions to the Karmic Board at winter solstice and on New Year’s Eve and at summer solstice and the Fourth of July, requesting grants of energy, dispensations, and sponsorship for constructive causes, projects and endeavors. The letters are each sealed in an envelope, consecrated at the altar and burned. The angels then carry them to the Royal Teton Retreat, where they are read by the Lords of Karma.
You should begin your letter by calling upon the law of forgiveness for all transgressions of God’s laws, especially of the past year. You may then offer yourself at the altar of God to perform a service or work for him, requesting a dispensation of sponsorship. It is important to resolve to maintain your God-harmony and to fulfill any task to completion for which you request assistance. You may call for divine intercession in your personal life, for the Community of the Holy Spirit, for your nation and government, the world, the solar system, and so forth. As Helios requested, you may offer a portion of your Causal Body as “seed money” for something you desire to see accomplished in the world. But this must be approved by the Lords of Karma; the exact percentage will be determined by your I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self. After completing your letter, consecrate it at your altar and (safely) burn it. You may also want to keep a copy in your Bible for your record and to use in daily decrees for your stated goals.
Kuthumi Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 27 No. 58
Beloved ones, I bring the good tidings of eternal renewal which come forth in the hour calculated as winter solstice from the point of the North, from the heart of the God Star and the center of the Father. Thus, the Light of winter solstice is like unto none other, for its descent leadeth thee in the way of the law of righteousness as exemplified in the Son. Thus, the Father’s Light shines in the Son, and ye are that Son when ye are that sun! Thus, I come to admonish you by the sword of Maitreya to enter into the fire infolding itself of the mighty heart flame of thy being.
. . .
So, my beloved, pillars in the temple of my God are ye! And the temple must be upheld. This is the half-year cycle of the coming of Helios; therefore, salute Vesta who appears in winter solstice as Helios appears in summer solstice.
Gautama Buddha, Pearl of Wisdom, Vol. 20 No. 23
This is indeed the hour of joy, the very bursting of light in each heart, the impetus for the new year that in actuality does start with winter solstice and the lighting of the taper in the heart of the Great Central Sun as Alpha bows to Omega and extends to her the gift of the flame.
And then Omega steps down from her throne and passes the flame to the legions of seraphim who compose the honor guard of the Divine Mother. And the first of the mighty seraphim, the Captain of the Lord’s Hosts, Justinius, does take that taper from Omega to light the second in command. And one by one the tapers are lit until, across the vastness of spacelessness and timelessness, the mighty seraphim wend their way unto the worlds within and the worlds without.
Curious as it might seem given your understanding of the speed of light, the ritual of the fulfillment of the passing of the taper of the new year does not occur on Terra until the hour of the year’s turning. And so the grand ritual of the hours from the Great Central Sun through millions of galaxies manifests on earth in the moment of the appearance of the mighty thoughtform that descends from the heart of God to the heart of Sanat Kumara, thence into my own heart as the adoration to the Cosmic Virgin is sent forth from this planetary orb.
As we receive the impartation of the taper, we return that fire and that love back to Omega, and this is the grand ritual of millions and millions of hosts of light, Buddhas, and consciousnesses one with the Elohim. And therefore, when that focal point of light does reach our heart and we send it back, there is the weaving of the cosmic daisy.
And for each and every one who receives the taper of the Mother in the Central Sun, there is the return current that forms another petal of this cosmic daisy. And the yellow center is indeed the Great Central Sun Magnet, and all of these petals in all dimensions going forth are the action of the flow of the love of the hosts of light for Alpha and Omega and the love that is returned. And this weaving–this weaving of this grand design is for the action, the interaction, and the integration of life flow–as Above, so below.
Saint Germain, Pearl of Wisdom, Vol. 1 No. 19
The true Christmas story, however, is far more than a mere pageant. It always brings a vibrant, ever-living exaltation of spirit to any and all who will humbly and gratefully take a few moments to fix their attention upon the realization of its symbology; for the Christmas story must one day take place for every one of the presently unascended children of Light of earth. Christmas, and each succeeding celebration of the Christ Mass, is the conscious release of the Christ-nature of and through the supplicant into visible, tangible expression within the heart. Allowing the Christ-self to radiate its full power of masterful Divine Love through the outer form and consciousness (personality), the soul, one with that Christ-self, lifts and raises all it contacts. Thus is the Word, the I AM THAT I AM, become flesh, and thus it does dwell among us!
It is particularly important that you allow this Christ-release, that is most powerfully accessible at winter solstice, to be made manifest in your lives, beloved chelas, even as it is fundamental that by the continuous daily use of the violet transmuting flame you keep on keeping on in the purifying of your worlds until that Holy Christ Self (abiding within the immortal threefold flame of Truth within your beating heart) stands forth visible and tangible to all who look upon you. Then shall you be known by your works, as was the beloved Jesus, and not by words alone. Then shall your outer self become a divine magnet to draw into our light whom you can so mightly assist.
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