Who Are You? The Identity of Your True Self

The mystical heart of the world's religions is the identity of the true Self. The understanding of the Self is the most important insight that any individual can have in life.
The Self begins with the permanent atom of being, the cause out of which the effect proceeds. We call this cause the I AM THAT I AM, the Presence of the I AM, or the I AM Presence.
This Real Self is seen in relationship to the evolving self on a chart that is called the Chart of Your Divine Self. It illustrates so many of the cosmic truths that have been discovered by the great mystics of East and West.
The Chart has three parts and, in a sense, could be called the trinity of your identity.
Your I AM Presence
First, there is the upper figure, which is a sphere of light called the “I AM Presence.” To Hindus, it is Brahma. Buddhists call it the Dharmakaya, while Christians think of it as God the Father. It is the spirit of God individualized for each one.
Your I AM Presence is surrounded by seven concentric spheres which make up your causal body. These spheres of pulsating spiritual energy contain the record of all your good works. They are like your cosmic bank account.
Your causal body has spheres of cosmic consciousness—seven planes of heaven, seven spheres of awareness corresponding to the seven mighty Elohim, the seven Archangels, the seven days of creation, and the seven color rays that are emitted from the white light that is the person and the principle of the Father, or Brahma, or I AM THAT I AM.
These seven ways translate to seven paths back to the Source and the Lords of the Seven Rays are ascended masters who teach seekers on those paths.
Your I AM Presence is a part of your being right now; it is not removed, it is not separated from you in time and space. The only separation you have from the I AM THAT I AM is your own human consciousness, your sense of limitation, and the accumulation of vibrations from this, and previous lifetimes, that are less than the highest qualities of your Real Self.
Your Higher Self
Between the sphere of light above and the soul evolving below is the consciousness of the mediator. The mediator is that portion of the Self that can translate to the imperfect soul something of the perfection of the I AM THAT I AM. It is that portion of your being that is real enough to stand in the holy Presence of God>.
We call this mediator the Higher Self, the Higher Mental Body, the Real Self or the Holy Christ Self. The Christian mystics sometimes referred to the Mediator as the “inner man of the heart.”
It is the Self that you are in a state of becoming through our evolution, through all of your experiences in time and space.
Depending on your spiritual tradition, you can think of this Mediator as your chief guardian angel, your inner guru (Higher Self or Atman), the voice of conscience—and always as your dearest friend.
What the Chart of Your Divine Self shows is that each of us has a Higher Self and that each of us is destined to become one with that Self, whether we call it the Christ, the Buddha, the Tao or the Atman.
You – The Living Potential of God
Your soul is evolving on the spiritual path in time and space. It is the part of you that is mortal—but that can become immortal.
The violet flame is depicted in the Chart of the Presence around you. The violet flame is a high-frequency energy of forgiveness. It's a spiritual alchemy.
Around the violet flame is the protective white light of God known as the tube of light. We apply the science of the spoken Word to call forth that tube of light as a protection, sealing our aura, sealing our chakras from the heavy weight of darkness that is upon the planet. (More on how to invoke the tube of light.)
The shaft of white light descending from the I AM Presence through the Holy Christ Self to the lower figure in the Chart is the crystal cord (sometimes called the silver cord). It is the “umbilical cord,” the lifeline, that ties you to Spirit.
Your crystal cord also nourishes that special, radiant flame of God that is ensconced in the secret chamber of your heart. That is the threefold flame—called “threefold” because it engenders the primary attributes of Spirit—power, wisdom and love.
It is a very real spiritual flame about 1/16 of an inch, focused within the physical body approximately at the heart. It is a spark of sacred fire that God has transmitted from his heart to yours.
The Hindu Katha Upanishad speaks of the divine spark as the “Light of the Spirit” that is connected in the “secret high place of the heart.” The divine spark abides in what the Sikh Sri Guru Granth Sahib speaks of as Sach Khand, the secret chamber of the heart.
This threefold flame endows our being with consciousness, with self-awareness. The threefold flame is what separates us from animals. We are sons and daughters of God and children of the Light. God has given to us that spark of himself.
The ascended master Saint Germain sponsors a universal spiritual order called the Keepers of the Flame® Fraternity. Keepers of the Flame vow to keep this flame of life burning on the altar of their hearts. They tend this fire by preserving and upholding the principles of freedom and the sacredness of life, and by extending the flame to others who do not know that they have a divine spark.
The Purpose of Your Soul's Evolution
The purpose of your soul's evolution on earth is to grow in self-mastery, balance your karma, fulfill your mission on earth and make your ascension in the Light.
The end of all your incarnations is to become your Real Self, so that you return to the spiritual dimensions that are your real home. Through attention to your spiritual path, the three figures in the Chart—now separate because of a limited consciousness—will one day become one.
You, too, can attain union with God.