You Are Already a Student on the Path

You Are Already a Student on the Path

Your Soul Signed You Up for a Life Course
In Self-Mastery!

By exposing yourself to spiritual learning, whether through a book, conference, media or article (like this one), you have established yourself as a student, the first level of discipleship. Congratulations! You have now embarked on a grand journey of self-mastery that will eventually lead you home to God…and to immortality as an ascended master.

You may not have thought that was what you were doing when you picked up that book, or watched that DVD, or listened to that CD, or tuned in to that radio show, put your soul did!

In essence, your soul’s hunger for Reality has opened the door to an exciting curriculum of initiation and self-mastery…and it’s your job to follow.

All life is one, and there is a magnet within you that is continuously being drawn back to the Source of all Life…God! You may not always be aware of this magnetic attraction, but it’s there just the same.

And it has led you to the ascended masters.

There’s nothing like being a student
of the ascended masters

Being a student of the ascended masters means many things. It is a testament to your soul’s desire to come up higher. It is a manifestation of your inner knowing of the true path of Christhood. It is a recognition of the supremacy of your I AM Presence. And it is an understanding that you’ve got work to do! (Think “karma”).

Once again, your decision to become a student has set you on a life path of initiation and self-mastery. This doesn’t mean that you have chosen a church, or opted in to a specific course of study. That may come later. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe ten years from now. For the moment, just choose to be present as the path opens up before you in myriad wonderful and practical ways. Just know that the masters’ teachings are unerring, and trust that they will get you where you want to go.

The masters are ready for you.
Are you ready for them?

It won’t be long before you graduate from student to chela, entering a very special relationship with a guru, your sponsoring master. Some of you have already discovered this. The rest of you are about to.

No matter what stage you find yourself in, you’ve got guides, mentors and friends all along the way who stand ready to shed light on the footsteps of every worthy and sincere student. That’s you. Congratulations!

Tune in Sept 30 for You Are Already a Student on the Path on The Open Door, Ascended Master Online Radio Programs LIVE every Tuesday at Noon, MT

All shows archived on The Open Door page and on iTunes for anytime anywhere listening!

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