Angel Devas and the National Parks

Angel Devas and the National Parks

This excerpt is from a dictation by Lord Lanto published in the 1977 Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 20 No. 10.

The Royal Teton Retreat, ancient focus of the coming of the early root races and of the coming of the archangels to earth, is the place enshrined in this day for the children of Israel and the people who have loved the Lord their God with all their hearts and souls and minds to come to the newness of life and the new dispensations of the Spirit that are upon this land that those who are in this land might first be custodians of that Spirit and then couriers of the Spirit who will run with the Word and preach to all of the nations of the earth for a witness unto Him.

We find, then, that the amphitheater of the Royal Teton Retreat that is above the mountain* in the atmosphere at the etheric intensity is filled with lightbearers who, on earth and in America today, are a part of the body of believers who are seeking the Lord God in the churches and not finding him in doctrine or dogma, but finding him in the very living presence of the Christ and of the Holy Spirit. Therefore the opening of the doors to the Royal Teton Retreat to many souls who have implored the Lord God for an understanding in this age has been effected, for the calls of the people are answered and the prayers are heard by the Listening Angel and the many angels who form a part of the retinue of the one whom you call Listening Angel.

We see, then, the spiraling to the center, the very heart center of America on the etheric plane that is the Royal Teton Retreat. This center does not correspond to the physical center of the heart chakra even as your own heart chakra at the etheric plane is not with the alignment of the chakra in the physical plane. You see, then, by the departure from the Law, mankind have gone out of the way and they no longer act in conformity to the inner matrices of energy, but they are apart and impoverished. Nevertheless, this, then, is a retreat in Spirit and Matter to which the souls of the children of God may retreat for succor, for nourishment, and for life.

Grand Tetons

There are many of the national parks and the places of refuge upon the North American continent that are ministered to by angel devas who daily make the cycle from the Royal Teton Retreat to anchor there an intensity of the sacred fire until, in these years, one finds that these parks and places of refuge are filled and overfilled by those souls who come during the summer months to be recharged in nature.

Let the children of the light also frequent these places of nature–not only to come and to receive, but to assist in the service of the angel devas. For you see, mankind have brought with them that from which they ought to desire escape. They have brought their auras of contamination, they have brought their television sets, they have brought all of their games and their entertainments and all of those things to which they are accustomed in the cities. They know not to leave these behind; and therefore when the hosts of the Lord come to minister unto them in these secret places of nature, they find that mankind have set up a barrier to the penetration of consciousness.

And therefore, we ask the children of God in the coming months and throughout the summers that are ahead to go to these places of nature to invoke the violet flame that they may be kept as chalices of light and not contaminated. For if mankind do not have this rest and repose in nature, where will they go for the recharging? For many among them have not accelerated consciousness to the point where they can be recharged in the fires of their own heart, as it should be, or in our retreats. And therefore, this is the only surcease from the intensity of the karmic weight that is upon the cities.

*The Teton Range in Wyoming (Grand Teton National Park)

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Keepers of the Flame - Royal Teton Retreat

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