Aquarius – The Birth of a New Age

Aquarius – The Birth of a New Age

Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Aquarius – The New Age:

The dawning age of Aquarius brings us the awareness of God as the Holy Spirit and as the Divine Mother. In this age, both man and woman are destined to develop their feminine side—the creative, intuitive, nurturing and compassionate side of their soul.

The prophets say that Aquarius can be an age of freedom, peace and enlightenment, a time of technological progress combined with spiritual development.

It can be a time when we break free from the past. It can be a time when the spirit of cooperation becomes the basis of every relationship—cooperation between God and humanity, and between people everywhere.

Yet seers have also foreseen earth changes, war and turmoil.

What makes the Aquarian age such a turning point is that in order to fully enter that age, we must first face a karmic summing up. The negative karma of those who live on earth has been held in abeyance for thousands of years by the spiritual consciousness of the great lights of East and West.

The end of the age of Pisces marks the day when we must carry the full momentum of our past karma, which is why the prophecies for this time of transition are so very sobering. We indeed carry the burden of history, and it is a heavy karmic burden.

…..How can we bring in an age of enlightenment? What can we do to beat the Fates?

Ascended master Saint Germain, Age of AquariusEnter Saint Germain, sponsor of the Aquarian age and great luminary of the twenty-first century. He brings a vast historical perspective and a deep understanding of the challenges that we all must face.

Saint Germain comes with a solution to the problems of our very ancient, very complex karma—the high-frequency spiritual energy of the violet flame that can transmute (transform) negative karma into positive energy.

Although he is a master alchemist, Saint Germain’s solution is only good if we run with it, for once karma crystallizes it is much harder to turn back.

“I firmly believe that in the face of any and all negative predictions, we the people of earth—applying our highest wisdom and our deepest compassion, our material resources and our practical spirituality—can make these prophecies fail.” Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Elizabeth Clare Prophet said that the year 2010 marked the final edge of Pisces in its crossing over with Aquarius. Read the Prophecy for 2011 and Beyond – The Gift of the Future

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