Archangel Uriel Christmas Traditions

Archangel Uriel Christmas Traditions

Christmas Traditions for Children

Let the Children Receive Their Lord in Full Glory!
Hark, the Herald Angels Sing!

Listen to the angels who herald the dawn of the Christ consciousness in all mankind! Whosoever shall choose this day to serve the Light shall receive the impetus of the Christ-flame, even the matrix of the Bethlehem babe.

As Saint Francis adored the Holy Child lying in the crèche fashioned out of his own love of the Saviour, so know that the Lord God and the Cosmic Virgin have fashioned the image of the Christ Child aborning in the hearts of humanity.

And in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood—in each one—there is a permanent focus of the scene of the Mother with Child—holy, meek and mild—with the guardian flame of the patron Saint Germain1, whose freedom flame guards the increase of the soul here in the folds of the garment of the Mother.

Angels of Christmas, come forth! Sing your songs of praise! Make your way with angels of Uriel's band! Angels of the Prince of Peace, twelve legions outpicturing the Christ consciousness of the twelve hierarchies of the Sun, come forth! And blend your energies with choirs of angels, men and elementals, singing, “Alleluia, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth!”

He is the Promised One, the Saviour of the world. The Christ comes to every heart to champion the fires of immortality and to release the frankincense that will purify the atmosphere of the soul.

Won't you, then, this Christmastide,
As you keep the flame merry
With angels come from far and wide,
Light the candle of the bayberry
And then from its taper burn
This incense which we have also used in turn
Wherever we have been called to the fore
To consume the record, cause and core,
Of mankind's entities of insanity
And to bind the demons of profanity
For the protection of the little ones
Gathered by the Christmas tree
Giving and receiving,
Adorning and being adorned
With the gifts that are for Him.

Christmas is a time for ritual, for the ritual of the angels of ministration and peace, service and love's sweet release.

As you decorate your home in anticipation of the honored guest, the Christed One, will you not include with the manger scene that you erect a focus of the gold, the frankincense, the myrrh—symbols of the balance of the threefold flame—carried by the wise men who came from the East.

And will you also make a daily round through the home, carrying the urn of sacred incense. Oh, let it burn away the dross, the drudgery, the darkness of a year to make way for the birth of the little one and of the Son of the Sun!

And as you trim the tree,
Know that it is the Truth
That we would see
Shooting up as evergreen
Shining in the hearts of all.
For the coming of the Christ
Is the coming of the Truth
That shall make all mankind free.
The holly and the ivy,
The mistletoe and the pine—
Fragrance of nature and of Holy Spirit—
These are signs unto the soul
That Truth is knocking at the door.

Christmas Stories

Let children be glad in the coming of Santa with his bundle of gifts. And tell them the story of good Saint Nicholas who, in honor of the Christ, provided a dowry for three poor maidens by tossing purses of gold through their open window at night.

But above all, remember that the children are waiting to hear of the coming of the Christ into their house as the unseen guest.

Let them place a chair for him. And while cookies are for the rosy-cheeked man with the pack on his back, let the offering of the Communion that the Lord offered to the disciples also be made ready. A piece of bread, a cup of wine—these, too, are part of your sacred shrine.2

Mothers and fathers of the New Age, your children are taught by you to walk and talk with Jesus, with Moses, with Elijah and Muhammad, Confucius and the Buddha, to pray to Mary and Pope John and Saint Thérèse.

If you expect them to walk and talk with the Saviour, the prophets and the saints, then allow them the joy of the ritual so native to their hearts. Let them receive their Lord in full glory!

Let them prepare the tree, each painted ball the star of a Causal Body of a favorite Ascended Master or one revered among the hosts of the Lord. Let them print or write the names of their precious friends and tie them to the top of the ball and then place the ball reverently, in full awareness that “Lo, I AM here and, lo, I AM there!” For wherever the name of an Archangel, an Elohim, an ascended being is written or spoken, there is the focus of that Electronic Presence.

Children at Christmas Reenter the Heaven-World

Children deal with concrete realities. And their fairy friends and playmates, gnomes and elementals, come out in full array for the hustling and bustling of Christmas, the fun and the play. So many of these little ones converse with beings of other dimensions, but they fear to tell their parents.

They fear the mockery of the carnal mind beset with superstitions of psychology and respectability. But with a word of encouragement, a smile and a twinkle of the eye, children at Christmas time reenter the heaven-world whence they came so recently trailing clouds of glory from the octaves of light.

Let Christmas then be for the children a renewing of old friendships and of ties on the inner planes. Let Christmas be the eternal wonder of the Christ Child born in the manger of their hearts!

Children Playing the Roles of the Manger Scene

And let them reenact the holy scene of Christmas Eve, taking parts as Joseph, Mary, shepherds, wise men three, of baby Jesus and of the oxen and the lamb. They are satisfied with simple dress. Let them have the costumes that are needed for their souls to be transported to that place in time and space where the Christed One descended with the very fiat of cosmic consciousness, “Lo, I AM come to do thy will, O God!”

Let the little children take on the roles of and become the players who played their parts in the greatest drama ever presented in time and space by the Great Dramatist himself. Almighty God is the author of this play—not a play on words, but a play on the ego and the carnality of the traditional pagan festivals celebrated at winter solstice.

Now then, let us see how the holy children put on and become the consciousness of those who have gone before in the ritual of the Holy Family, in the ritual of the incarnation of the Word.

And let the lighting of the Yule log be for the rekindling of the fires of the Ancient of Days, who long ago came to Terra to keep the flame of Life for evolutions here below. Let the lighting of the fire and the lighting of each candle forever symbolize the igniting of the threefold flame of the Christ consciousness in the hearts of all mankind.

With a hand on the Mother and a hand on the cradle where He lies,
I AM Uriel,
Archangel of the Sixth Ray of the Christ.

1. Saint Germain was embodied as Joseph, the protector of Jesus and Mary.
2. On Christmas Eve children may wish to place bread and grape juice near the manger scene and, after the singing of Christmas carols and the offering of holy prayer, ask Jesus to consecrate the portion. The children may then partake of the bread and the juice in his honor. This Christmas ritual is not to be confused with Holy Communion.

Pearls of Wisdom®, Vol. 17 No. 49, Beloved Archangel Uriel, December 8, 1974

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