Bring Heaven to Earth
Whether you realize it or not, you are an ascended master in the making.
You have a mission that was ordained from the beginning. And you have a twin flame on earth or somewhere in cosmos.
You may wonder, “Well what has all this to do with me?
My life has so many challenges. I have so much to do. It is hard enough for me to keep up with paying the bills, working my job and finding time for my family, let alone myself.
What about the world? There are so many problems on earth, too many to mention, let alone to solve.
The heaven-world sounds wonderful, but it seems so different to the one in which I live.”
But is it?
There are no accidents in the universe. The masters, your Higher Self and your guardian angel have placed this information in your hands for a very simple reason: You, too, have a fiery destiny. You have a Higher Self.
You have a mission that was ordained from the beginning. You have a twin flame on earth or somewhere in cosmos. And whether you realize it or not, you are an ascended master in the making.
As your older brothers and sisters, the masters are way-showers, pointing the way on the path home to God and your reunion with your own God Presence.
Many walked the earth, just as you do—some quite recently. They know the challenge of life on earth.
They know the path home, the pitfalls along the way and the rough places on the climb up the mountain of being. They, too, had knotty problems and difficult karmic circumstances to overcome. They are not far removed from you.
Now, at the cusp of a new age, they beckon from just beyond the veil.
They stand at the threshold where heaven meets earth, and they say, “We did it! So can you! Yes, there are steps to be taken and assignments to fulfill. But we can help you. We have known you since the dawn of time and beyond. We desire to see you return to our Father’s home of light, the eternal city.
“Call to us. We know the way. We have the tools that you need to make it over the crevasse and the icy river. Come to our retreats. Let us teach you and tell you those things that can make a difference in your life. Let us help you bring heaven to earth.”
Their offer is very real and their intercession and presence is powerful. Take advantage of it.
Working with the Ascended Masters
Won't you pause for a moment, right now, and ask your Higher Self to guide you to the master who can most help you on your spiritual path?
Perhaps you know who your master is. Perhaps you were drawn to a master as you read The Masters and Their Retreats.
If you are not sure, go first to the master El Morya. He takes on many new students and prepares them to meet their master.
Find the master who speaks to your heart, and invite that master into your life. Go to their retreat at night. Pray to that one, use their prayers or decrees.
Ask them to enter your world, to teach you and train you at night as you sleep. Ask them to help you to bring heaven to earth.
This master may begin by transforming a little corner of your own world, the one in which you live.
An excerpt from The Masters and Their Retreats, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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