Ascension – Ascended Lady Master Mary Lou

Ascension – Ascended Lady Master Mary Lou

Ascended Lady Master Mary Lou

March 30 is Ascended Lady Master Mary Lou's Ascension Day (Mary Lou Majerus 1893-1987).

Ascension of Mary Lou Majerus Announced by Elohim Cyclopea

I am come because you have carved in the earth crevices of violet flame. Some have even bored holes with violet flame. Into all openings where keepers of the violet flame have created that crevice in the rock of human hardness, I, Cyclopea, pour, then, the magnificent green elixir of the Life abundant that the green shoot might appear again and again and again!

I come to saturate earth in answer to the call of those who, with us, are weary—weary of the decadence and death and despair of a planet. So, let it be and let it be known that Elohim penetrate the strata of the rock, and earth shall receive in this hour such an impetus, such a divine vision.

Yet who will carry it? Who will defend it? Who will defend the Lightbearers aborning in the womb of this cosmos? Who will defend them that they might have the right to be the Sun?

Ho! Ho! Let the sun penetrate. Helios, Vesta, I pronounce thy name. Helios, Vesta! Helios, Vesta!

And the power of Elohim, seven in number, does resound this night in the center of the atom, in the center of the cell of organic and inorganic matter; and there is a spinning of the center after the original spin, the cosmic spin of Alpha and Omega. Therefore that spin in the center will begin to cause disturbance on the periphery of worlds.

Keep the flame! For earth must be righted from the microscopic level to the point of subatomic particles, else, beloved, chaos will produce the thrusting from the center, for there must be a star of harmony somewhere.

Thus, take note, beloved. A star of harmony has risen this day from your midst and from the Grand Teton, and the Law is satisfied already that in 1988 one daughter of God has taken her ascension and therefore sealed the quota of one each year; and therefore earth does receive that cosmic spin. And I AM Elohim, here to see to it that each one of you shall also win.

Therefore, we salute in our Community of the Holy Spirit the newly ascended Lady Master Mary Lou! 1 [45-sec. standing ovation]

Thus, I signal to you the consecration of this retreat to the ascension flame and the crystal ray sent forth by the Elohim of the Fifth Ray.

Blessed ones, it is an honor and a privilege to welcome to the courts of heaven one who has been loyal in life and in victory to our Messengers of this century. Behold, was she not the most humble amongst all? In the love of her heart may you be seated, and may you be seated in the praise of all Elohim who rejoice; for, beloved, the purity of a soul is known by us though not even suspected by herself.

Thus, in her final weeks and months and years she would often ask the Messenger, “Have I done anything of merit? Have I scored any points? Am I worthy to be received by Saint Germain?” Blessed ones, such a staunch and true friend should all our Messengers have had in past ages.

Therefore, with her dying breath did she affirm to this Messenger, “You are the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood!” Blessed ones, so has she consecrated her victory to the upholding of the office, mantle and person of the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood and this has been her star for many aeons.

Therefore, beginning her training with the Ballards so early in this century, her lifetime has been graced by flowers of violet flame. Thus, imagine, beloved, for a period of a half a century and decades more to keep the flame of purity, obedience, chastity and love, to keep the violet flame so long for a planet! Can heaven deny such a one whose heart and soul and eyes of fire may yet be seen by you? For they have not only not diminished, they have increased a thousandfold.

Behold the eternal youth of the newly ascended Lady Master Mary Lou!

Blessed ones, so has she desired to be called, that you might know that you have a friend and compatriot who shall never leave this place but only goad you to the same discipline and staunchness and true faith.

Blessed hearts, once again the motto of our Brotherhood has been fulfilled: What Man Has Done, Man Can Do. And therefore, what woman has done, woman can do—what child has done, child can do. Therefore, beloved, there have been children who have ascended, reincarnating solely for that purpose.

Know this, then, that the present reality of a victory out of your midst must give to you courage and determination and the recognition that though it may not be seen, it is the innermost purity of heart and dedication and fervor in service, that does never neglect those decrees of the living fire, that does win the ascension.

For, beloved, know that all must purge, purify and balance all records of karma. It is the Law, beloved. Not a single ascended master may pay for you, when you pass from the screen of life, that last 3 percent, 4 percent that is needful to bring the total to 51*.

Blessed hearts, if it is not fulfilled, you will either remain in the etheric retreats for some time rendering service, calling forth the flame, or you may even reincarnate to pass some years upon earth again to bring that cup full to the brim. For that cup of light is needful to those who must drink now of thy Christhood.

Blessed hearts, tempus fugit! Has not Morya said it? I say it! For I AM Elohim and I contain all time and space. Fire the mind and enfire it! Spend less time thinking and more time knowing in the all-knowing Mind of God that does press down upon you to illumine you.

Prepare the vessel. Fill it with the rich wine of the Spirit. Fill it, then, beloved, for when that violet flame cup is full and overflowing you shall be, before your ascension, a fountain of the Seventh Ray to the earth—which will delight more than the eye of Saint Germain.

For every eye shall behold you and angels shall walk at your side when you determine with such a fervor of heart, as did and does still Mary Lou, that you will always have more than enough violet flame for yourself and for others, as though you could fill a thousand teacups and then a thousand again for all who would drink.

Do you not desire to give abundantly? O beloved, the abundant giver has abundant joys, happiness and bliss; and there is no distance between yourself and bliss, for bliss is a state of the crystal Mind of God. O be infired in this hour, beloved, with such determination!…

Know, then, that the angels have come for the binding of certain tares. And this day and date does mark a harvest, then, of certain forces of Evil because some, some Lightbearers, some Keepers of the Flame®, have chosen to keep the Light, to keep the Flame, to not squander it, to say, “I will take a stand with my God! I will become a Sun!”

To the merit of Mary Lou, many will make that determination because she did, and already many have followed in her wake, for her fiery spirit has parted the waters of the astral plane.

Thus, beloved, whether ascended or unascended, in this hour let your fiery spirit, let the way you hold your mind through the day, let the way you hold your heart and soul and sacred fire in your temple be a sign to all upon earth that you are becoming a Sun and they can too!…

*the balancing of 51% percent of personal karma is one of the requirements for the ascension.

This dictation excerpt from the Elohim Cyclopea was given at the conference An Easter Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch. The full ascended master dictation is published in the Pearls of Wisdom® Vol. 31 No. 43, July 23, 1988.

The Ascended Master El Morya announced (February 26, 1997) that Mary Lou Majerus made her ascension having balanced 61 percent of her karma.  Elizabeth Clare Prophet said of Mary Lou, “This is a chela of Godfre and Lotus, who worked in their household, served them personally and has come here for her golden-age victory in the Light.”

Mary Lou Majerus and Elizabeth Clare ProphetElizabeth Clare Prophet on “I Claim the Mantle

“It is customary when one ascends to claim the mantle of the ascended one in God's name in the tradition of Elijah and Elisha when Elisha claimed the mantle of the of his Guru Elijah who had told him, ‘If you see me when I am taken up, you One will receive that double portion of my Spirit.' (Bible, 2:9, 10)

“So we're going to say, “I claim a double portion of the mantle of the Ascended Lady Master Mary Lou in  God's name.”

I claim a double portion of the mantle of the Ascended Lady Master Mary Lou in God's name!(3x)

“In so doing, you multiply her opportunity to do good works on earth through you. So, it is a great boon to any Ascended Master to be known by devotees left on earth.”—Elizabeth Clare Prophet, March 30, 1987

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