A Revolution in Higher Consciousness: The Ascension

A Revolution in Higher Consciousness: The Ascension

Learn about the Ascension on The Open Door Radio Show

A revolution in higher consciousness is coming! You are meant to return to a state of oneness through the Ascension: a union with your God Self, your I AM Presence, your Real Self. In these online radio shows, hosts Terry Canady and Thom Schumacher explore a variety of personal spiritual topics in a down-to-earth and practical way.

The Open Door presents the teachings of the ascended masters, offering an opportunity for spiritual seekers everywhere to come up higher, embrace a journey of soul liberation, graduate from Earth’s schoolroom and ultimately return home to the heart of God

The podcasts of our internet radio shows are archived for future listening and available as an MP3 download at the VoiceAmerica™ website, (also on iTunes and via RSS).

These podcasts on the teachings of the ascended masters are 6o minutes each.

The Open Door Radio Show—Ascended Master Online Radio.

A Revolution in Higher Consciousness is Coming!

We are about to be swept up in a great revolution—a revolution in higher consciousness that is taking place in the hearts and minds of mankind everywhere. Listen now, download for later, or get on iTunes: here.

Your I AM Presence

You are meant to return to a state of oneness with your God Self, your I AM Presence, your Real Self through the Ascension. When you contact this state of oneness, you will find that you can once again use your God-given power to create. Listen now, download for later, or get on iTunes: here.

The Christ in You

Our Christ Self is the mediator between each of us and God. This is our Real Self, our inner teacher, guardian, friend and advocate.  The ascended masters teach that Christhood is a great and noble goal, an essential ingredient on the path of the Ascension. Listen now, download for later, or get on iTunes: here.

How to Get What You Need

There is an exact Law that governs supply and demand.  We live in a spiritual-material universe.  If we will it, God will place in our hands the key to controlling natural forces, thus allowing us to receive what we need in this world. Listen now, download for later, or get on iTunes: here.

Healing Disease with the Violet Flame*

Twentieth-century seer Edgar Cayce recognized the healing power of the violet light.  Dannion Brinkley saw and experienced the violet flame in his near-death sojourns.  Healers and alchemists have long used this high-frequency spiritual energy to bring about energetic balance and spiritual transformation. Listen now, download for later, or get on iTunes: here.

 Weekly: Tune in Live

Tuesdays at noon and midnight (MST) on The Open Door Radio Show at the VoiceAmerica™ website

Do You Have a Question?

We answer questions about the ascended masters teachings.

*Violet Flame Disclaimer:
No guarantee whatsoever is made that the spiritual system of the science of the spoken Word, including the use of the violet flame, through meditation, visualization or dynamic decrees, will yield successful results. The functioning of Cosmic law is a direct experience between the individual and his own Higher Consciousness.  Karma and Divine Providence must be the final arbiter of each one's application of the sacred fire. We can only witness to our personal healing—body, mind and soul— through the use of the suggested mantras and spiritual disciplines. Each man may prove or disprove the Law for himself. The practice and proof of the Science of Being rests with the individual. No one can do it for another. (These spiritual techniques do not replace medical treatment.)

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