The following is an excerpt from a dictation by Archangel Michael and the Seven Archangels given Thursday, March 27, 1997
A One-Inch High Threefold Flame Is a Stupendous Power
I speak, then, of your Christhood. I speak of the living Christ within you, and I say: Develop that Christhood. Develop that Holy Christ Flame. Ere I come again to speak to you, I would see your three plumes in greater equilibrium if not completely balanced. When you balance your threefold flame (and that sacred fire of the Divine Mother is the fount of that flame), then you will begin to see the size of your flame increase to one-eighth, one-fourth, one-half inch. And, finally, imagine yourself having increased your threefold flame to the height of an inch!
Well, beloved ones, there is so much cosmic energy in a balanced threefold flame that is even one inch in height that it can generate stupendous power to work change in your life, your family and your community. Truly, you cannot even begin to comprehend what a great God-gift it is.
If you only knew that to maintain it and to increase it is to be in harmony with God and to be a servant of God and to make it your business to be a part of the Great White Brotherhood—if you could only see, beloved, how when you increase the threefold flame, you are given extraordinary empowerment to vastly change situations of global proportions. And the outreach of that threefold flame that is one inch in height may span half the world itself–so stupendous is that power, wisdom and love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit when it is connected with the Divine Mother. Thus, look to and meditate on the fount of the Goddess Kundalini rising from the base of the spine to the crown chakra.
This Is My Hour to Serve with the Legions of the Seven Archangels
In the invincible blessings of the victory of God, I urge you on to a tremendous victory—one with yourself, one with your family and one with God—that you can claim as your own. Thus may you say: “By the grace of God, with my co-workers I have made this happen. By the grace of God, through many, many, many other people who have been working with me in that direction, we have made the difference.”
Know that you are a part of many teams who are in different levels of consciousness—sometimes when you are in the etheric retreats, sometimes when your soul is out of the body at night fighting for the victory of the very souls of your people.
In all areas of service, beloved, remember that it is the threefold flame and the strength of the Atman within you that gives you the masculine strength, the feminine strength and the full power of the T’ai Chi to move, to be determined, to stand, to still stand and not to be moved by anyone, anything or any irritation, including the nitty-gritty problems of life.
This is your power and your empowerment from God. Put aside your baggage and say: “I will tend to that later. This is my hour to serve with the legions of the Seven Archangels. This is my hour to serve my beloved Saint Germain, my beloved El Morya, my beloved Lanello. Yes, this is the time and the place to do this!”
Excerpt from Pearls of Wisdom® Vol. 40 No. 24
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