Ascended Master Afra – Patron of Africa

Ascended Master Afra – Patron of Africa

Meet the Ascended Master Afra

Truly, I love you. I have loved you from the beginning. I shall love you unto the ending. And I shall never leave you unless you command me to be gone. And even then, I will argue with you.” – Ascended Master Afra

The Ascended Master Afra is the patron of Africa and also the sponsor of the black race. Eons ago, Afra was the first member of the black race to make his ascension.

He returned to God, reuniting with the flame at the conclusion of a life of devotion and service. When he ascended, he asked to be called simply “a brother,”—or frater in Latin. And so “a frater” became the word Afra.

The black race, long ago, was part of what was known as the blue race and the violet race. Their skin actually had a subtle blue or violet hue. These souls lived in a spiritually advanced civilization that existed on the continent of Africa. The continent, itself, takes its name from this ascended master.

Africa was once a part of the continent of Lemuria—the ancient motherland, the place of culture, truth and beauty. On ancient Lemuria there was an age of freedom and enlightenment long lost to recorded history. It was a golden-age civilization with marvelous advances in science and technology.

There were, indeed, ancient golden ages in Africa, when the people came forth out of the light of the causal body of the Great Divine Director, a cosmic being who is a teacher of masters and their students. His causal body is a great blue sphere that surrounds the planet, ensouling the perfect awareness of the Father's plan for all of life.

As he did in those ancient golden ages, the Great Divine Director continues to sponsor the divine plan of the continent of Africa, even as he sponsors the divine plan for the descendants of Afra in America.

Ascended master Afra comes again with a message of unity and brotherhood for his brethren everywhere.

This beloved brother of light is pledged to solve the problems of divergent peoples—local wars, discord in religion, strife between nations, and any where the divide and conquer machinations push people apart. We need Ascended Master Afra today as never before.

Excerpted from Afra: Brother of Light by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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