Kuan Yin of Oneness – Mantra for NonDuality

The Ascended Lady Master Kuan Yin gave us a mantra to clear the air and water of all harmful debris and to bring us into the sense of Oneness—rather than dwelling in the sense of duality.

Kuan Yin 33 Manifestations DVDKuan Yin of Oneness

Elizabeth Clare Prophet explains this mantra:

“I counsel you then, that this Kuan Yin is the antidote in the time of war, even nuclear war. It is the Oneness of being, one with God and in the Spirit. It is the Body, spiritually, alchemically and chemically in the vibration of the Divine One that therefore can manifest as the neutralization of what appears as the duality of that danger, and that death and hell may come upon the earth. She rides upon the cloud to clear the air of all harmful debris….

“All that would come upon us through the weather, the wind, the wave, the hurricane and through the Nephilim gods as they have played their war games on this planet for many thousands of years….

“In this Kuan Yin of Oneness, then, we find our true protection.  That Oneness demands compassion and resolution, balance of karma, settling our accounts with life, having nothing that is going forth from us that is animosity toward any part of life for this immediately makes us beings of duality.  By the Law of the One we then become Love and our bodies must reflect it, and therefore we pass through unharmed.”
—Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Sunday, October 9, 1988

Kuan Yin Mantra of Oneness

Give this mantra with Elizabeth Clare Prophet, click on the arrow above and wait a few seconds as it loads.


English translation: Hail! Kuan Yin of Oneness. Homage to the sacred name of Kuan Yin of Oneness.


This mantra is available on the DVD Audio CD included with the DVD Set, 33 Manifestations of Avalokitesvara as Kuan Yin

The bodhisattva Avalokitesvara has been venerated in China as Kuan Yin in thirty-three distinct forms. These DVDs contain the unique teachings and mantras of these manifestations, which Elizabeth Clare Prophet says “represent the thirty-three steps of initiation that you will pass through before you have your complete victory over the not-self.” She explains how to use these mantras for spiritual healing, transmuting troublesome habits, and resolving personal and planetary problems.  Also includes the lecture, “The Cross of Divine Love and the Not-Self.”

FREE BONUS AUDIO CD: All thirty-three mantras for use in your spiritual practice.

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