Chakra Healing – Names of God Series #10 – Kabbalah

kaballah cardOur chakras are intended to be sending-and-receiving stations, clear channels for broadcasting God's light to the world.

However, from this and previous lifetimes, we have varying degrees of karmic clutter that has calcified around our chakras. When our chakras are clogged, the light of Ein Sof* we invoke in our prayers will become tainted. As the light passes through us, it then takes on our negatives.

Therefore, for chakra healing, we clear our chakras using the violet flame so there will a pure flow of Ein Sof's energy through the sefirot to our physical and spiritual bodies.

The chief mystical text of Kabbalah, the Zohar, says that Malkhut is “the way to that great and powerful tree…. “If one does not enter through this gate, one cannot gain entry to the worlds,” the worlds of the sefirot. As we climb the Tree of Life—from the bottom to the top—we begin with Malkhut, the Mother.

*In the tradition of Kabbalah, Ein Sof is the name of God, as the unmanifest and unknowable.

Chakra Healing Visualizations

crown chakra I now visualize my crown chakra, thousand-petaled, a brilliant yellow fire, sending the energy of Keter and the light of God's wisdom, enlightenment and illumined action to dispel all darkness.
third eye chakra I now visualize my third-eye chakra, ninety-six-petaled, an intense emerald green, sending the energy of Hokhmah and Binah and the light of God's vision and truth for healing.
throat chakra I now visualize my throat chakra, sixteen-petaled, an electric sapphire blue, sending the energy of Hesed and Gevurah and the light of God's will to all nations and peoples.
heart chakra I now visualize my heart chakra, twelve-petaled, a vibrant rose pink, sending the energy of Tiferet and the light of God's love to all sentient life.
solar plexus chakra I now visualize my solar-plexus chakra, ten-petaled, purple and gold with ruby flecks, sending the energy of Netzah and Hod and the light of God's peace and brotherhood to harmonize all life.
seat of the soul chakra I now visualize my seat-of-the-soul chakra, six-petaled, violet-purple-pink, sending the energy of Yesod and God's violet flame for freedom, forgiveness, justice and world transmutation.
base of the spine chakra I now visualize my base-of-the-spine chakra, four-petaled, pure white, sending the energy of Malkhut/Shekhinah and God's light for the sealing of the sacred fire of the Divine Mother in the soul and base chakra of every child of light..

Excerpt from Kabbalah: Key to Your Inner Power, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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