The Christmas Wind – A Gift From Lanello

The Christmas Wind – A Gift From Lanello

The Christmas Wind

Each day we see a cosmic day:
Eternity blends with time's own ray.
Sounds of new life do fill our ears;
The Star of Christ fore'er appears.

The Christmas winds are blowing
The whole wide world around;
Immortal winds are flowing
With silent, peaceful sound.

This view of children ever
Delights their hopeful eyes,
For faith beams never sever
Their contact with the skies.

Just above the heads of men
The rushing wind tow'rs high;
Constant swishing now and then
Magnetic beams draw nigh.

Rising shrines of the ages
Reach upward there to find
Hands of heaven’s angels
Winging hope unto the mind.

Each day a cosmic morn is born–
Infinity’s curtain torn
Releases into waiting air
Drops of Life shed everywhere.

The Christmas winds are blowing
Their holy flowing stream
Of air's delightful knowing,
Of God’s own brightest dream.

Each heart in bondage human,
Released from burden's care,
Finds fullest Christmas friendship
Within the gift of prayer.

The Holy Spirit streameth–
Its might and main for all
Enfolds the Star he beameth
To answer heart's own call.

This flow of Holy Spirit
Delights the very air;
It is the breath God raiseth
To free men everywhere.

The Eastern wind, a stream does flow–
Christ's message it does blow,
Stirring church bells with its sound
And hearts that listen round.

God of old so loved the world,
Sent forth His Son to bloom
Cosmic banner e'er unfurled
Within form’s narrow room.

The child, the man from every place
Turn hearts to God's revealing grace;
No more division shall recruit,
For hatred maketh all the brute.

O sweeping wind of Holy Love,
Thy glory mantle from above
Removes mankind’s beleaguered ire–
Instead fills every heart with fire.

Kindling thus a star of hope,
Within Love's word He spoke,
“Peace, be still!” to every heart
For holy minds to start

The movement that will ope the eye–
No more the blinded mind will sigh.
Today shall men a new world make
For man and Christ and God's own sake.

from Pearl of Wisdom®, Vol. 36, No. 2 – Beloved Lanello – January 10, 1993

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