Creating a Sacred Space – Teachings of the Ascended Masters

Creating a Sacred Space – Teachings of the Ascended Masters

Since spoken prayer is more effective than silent prayer, it is best to give your decrees aloud. If you're in a public place, though, and can't decree aloud, you can repeat the decrees silently.

Decrees can be given anywhere, even while you're cleaning the house, doing errands, going for a walk, driving to work, or even taking a shower.

It helps, though, when we can set aside some uninterrupted quiet time to decree before our own personal altar.

Your altar is your sacred space—the sacred space that helps you connect to your heart. It is the place we go when we want to “alter”—to create change and transformation. You can create your own altar, even if it's in a corner of your bedroom or living room.

You can adorn your altar with what is spiritually significant and inspiring to you, like candles, crystals, flowers or plants. You can add pictures or statues of saints, masters, Buddhas or angels as well as photographs of those for whom you are praying. A crystal bowl or goblet can serve as a chalice to focus God's light in your home.

The Summit Lighthouse Portable Altars

“I have held in my heart the dream of presenting you with the portable altar of the children of Israel. My idea of a portable altar is something you carry with you in your car. And if you go out into the woods or into a mountain or anywhere you go, you take out your altar and you set it up.

“And when you close the altar, it says on the back of Jesus, I AM THAT I AM, and on the back of Saint Germain, AUM. On the back of the chart it says I AM THE OPEN DOOR THAT NO MAN CAN SHUT. So if you place this altar on your desk, those sitting on the other side of your desk have the handwriting on the wall to read. And, of course, it's like a little cathedral; it has the Gothic work. And when you sit and decree with this, it gives you the opportunity to concentrate and to have that flame spring up.

“I've noticed when I put these up in the room, …that it definitely changes the forcefield. And the reason being, as you know, wherever there is the impression of the image of the Brotherhood, the Masters and the Chart, there the energy flows.” – Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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