Did You Know?

There's a lot going on these days at The Summit Lighthouse®, and we want to make sure you don’t miss a thing! Below is a list of some of the many wonderful choices we offer to keep you connected with your organization and with the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

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Search Ascended Master Teachings in seconds!

Use the search box above to research the Ascended Master Teachings with The Summit Lighthouse Search, the fast and easy way to search over 3,100 online Pearls of Wisdom (1958-2018) and all TSL websites.

Simply enter what you’re looking for in the search box, click the “Search TSL” button and … presto! In the blink of an eye, you’ll have a complete list of articles, Summit Lighthouse websites and Pearls Online results related to your search, ready for you to pick and choose exactly what you want.

AND… if you want to take your search even deeper, go to TSL.org/KOF-Pearls-online (available in English only).

ePearls of Wisdom

To immediately begin receiving the incomparable Teachings of the Ascended Masters in English as free PDF ePearls, simply go to: TSL.org/ePearls-SignUp.

For the best reading experience on any mobile device, subscribe to the ePearls: TSL.org/ePubPearls

Love the printed Pearls? Order your subscription to the printed Pearls of Wisdom® for a nominal fee:

In English: TSL.org/PearlsOfWisdom/.
In Spanish: TSL.org/Perlas-de-Sabiduria/.

Keepers of the Flame® Online

If you’re a Keeper of the Flame in good standing, you can now access Keepers of the Flame lessons online!

These enhanced online lessons contain the very same content as the original printed lessons. PLUS … they include an exciting menu of complementary material designed to accommodate different learning styles and deepen your learning experience.

Online Broadcast

Tune in to our daily and Sunday services, vigils, decree marathons, quarterly retreats and international summer conferences all from the comfort of your own home! All quarterly conferences are translated into Spanish and archived for future listening.

To find out more about our very affordable broadcast services, audio or video, call Customer Service. Weekdays, 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and 1:30–5:00 p.m., except from 10:30 a.m. on Thursdays. 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

The Open Door Online Radio Show

More than 150,000 times each month, listeners from around the world are tuning to The Open Door, our weekly one-hour Internet radio program. Each show features recorded lectures by our beloved Guru Ma, plus engaging conversation on a wide variety of ascended master topics, lively Q&A sessions and more. And all shows are archived for easy, anytime listening.

Listen to The Open Door, every Tuesday at noon Mountain Time on the 7th Wave Channel from VoiceAmerica.

Check it out at TSL.org/OpenDoor-Radio.

Like. Tweet. Comment. Share. Endorse. Link.

Tune in to our social media channels:

eNewsletters: TSL Now and TSL Ahora

Each month, we send enewsletters in English and Spanish to more than 18,000 inboxes. Every issue features teachings, testimonials, product reviews, upcoming event alerts and all of the important community connections to keep you tuned in and up to date.

Sign up now. It’s easy … and it’s free!
(English) TSL.org/TSLNow-Subscribe
(Spanish) TSL.org/TSL-Ahora-Suscribase

Families and Youth

Connect with our teen, young adult and parent movements through retreats, webinars, podcasts and social media! In the comfort of your home, study children’s spiritual lessons and learn more about the Teachings of the Ascended Masters for your family:
(English) TSL.org/Family-Website
(Spanish) TSL.org/Spanish-Family


Be the difference. Volunteer! Volunteers in Action (VIA) are united in their life-changing service to God through working on projects or events that support the mission of The Summit Lighthouse. Tell us about yourself. Take the skill questionnaire: TSL.org/VIA-Skills

Learn about volunteer opportunities: TSL.org/VIA

Ascended Master Library

Want to create your own download or CD of teachings, lectures and other material? Go to: TSL.org/AscendedMasterLibrary-website …a complete, authoritative and user-friendly archive of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters available in one place for easy, anytime access.

For English or Spanish, go to TSL.org/AscendedMasterLibrary-website, log in and then, simply click on Create a New Project, Select a Format, then click on Advanced Search, then select the preferred language. And that’s all there is to it!

More Teachings

Deepen your sacred adventure with the Teachings of the Ascended Masters here:
For English, go to: https://summitlighthouse.org/teachings-of-the-ascended-masters/
For Spanish, go to: TSL.org/Maestros-Ascendidos or TSL.org/Angeles.

Articles to interest you, no matter how long you have been on your spiritual quest.

Summit University

Summit University continues to offer exceptional online programming for interactive engagement and download. An ever-expanding array of courses is now available on a wide range of important topics.

For details, visit TSL.org/SU-Online-courses/

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