The Mystery of the Perfect Christ

The Mystery of the Perfect Christ

The Path of Initiation under Maitreya Buddha

Jesus Christ by Gustavus DoreI am come, then, that ye might have understanding of the path and therefore not be confounded by the fallen ones you meet upon that path. For they would condemn you for even meeting them at all, as though it was your fault that they fell from highest star. The fallen ones in pride blame all and everything upon the chosen ones, who bear the cup of my life unto the resurrection of the whole Body of God.

The mystery fulfilled is in the opening of your eye, not to relative good and evil but, by and by, to the revelation of the perfect Christ within you. By that perfect Christ, by that perfect light, the co-measurement of the real and the unreal is clear. Then, undaunted, you move through the poisoned vapors of the black magician’s lair.

You do not succumb to the pollution of the soul, the attempt to confuse the issues, for yours is the burning and smoking lamp of your father Abraham. His acceptable offering of his son Isaac is a rising incense that will atone for every departure from the Law. Let the acceptable sacrifice be made. Let the offering be given.

When all misqualified energy is placed within the flame as he, Jesus, did do — taking all that was misqualified from the multitudes and laying it upon the altar as his offering in the way — when all of this is said and done and you have passed unreality into the flame, the only acceptable offering unto God is the pure and living Christ of you, the only begotten Son.

Him crucified is your resurrection. Thus, when there is nothing left to give, you give to humanity the gift of your Real Self. This is the message of Easter.

Excerpt from Pearls of Wisdom Vol 43, no. 48 Lord Maitreya, October 22, 2000

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