Experiencing the Love of the I AM Presence

Experiencing the Love of the I AM Presence

This excerpt on the I AM Presence is from the New Year's Eve dictation by El Morya published in the 1986 Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 29 No. 80.

We desire to make you like us, not for you to become dependent upon us. We desire you to know that in this state of transition through the physical octave, you do need our intercession and we gladly give it. And so does the Messenger. But it is for a purpose. It is for the preparation of your solo. It is for the preparation of an instantaneous contact with the Beloved.

I speak of the Beloved, the Mighty I AM Presence, and I tell you, if you have not experienced firsthand the breathless, profound, and all-enfolding Love of the Presence—the warmth, the joy, the communion, the intimacy, the sense of well-being, the self-knowledge that you are forevermore locked in your I AM Presence—that though you make your bed in hell, though you descend to the astral plane in or out of the body, in life or in death to balance an old score there, wherever you are, you cannot flee from the Presence because you have with our assistance made the contact.

I would say, beloved—and I shall make it the first course of your fourteen weeks with me—that the meditation upon the Presence, the decrees to the Presence, the pondering and thinking upon the Presence, and the love of that Person of the Father is the most desperate need!

I AM Presence chartYou see the Chart, you say the tube of light decree, you call to the Beloved—but something has kept you from a profound desire to know that Presence “face to face” and to pursue it with the hot heat of an intensity that comes from the self-knowledge that “as long as I am separate from my God, I am in the gravest danger in this time/space continuum where I find myself.”

So I ask the question: How many can at will make the contact with the Presence that comes as a feeling of Love descending—a feeling so powerful as to exclude all other awareness of a planet? Beloved ones, this can be yours. But you must stop chattering, stop seeking so many interchanges with others. Let those in the valleys of the world, cease, then, so much television, so much contact twenty-four hours a day with outer things going on which take your attention from your Presence and make you worry and have that overconcern which makes you incapable of mobilizing your forces to defeat the whole ball of maya that is before you—the whole ball of illusion.

For a moment in every day you ought to ascend to the heart of that Presence just to know that that Love that was and ever has been and ever shall be is greater than all of this. In that moment’s knowingness and communion, beloved, there is the perspective, the co-measurement whereby the fiats offered and given are not given as Don Quixote beating the air but rather as Victors, as the Omnipotent One, as the I AM Presence who has descended, then, into your temple. One moment in the arms of the Presence and your entire life shall change! Your whole life shall be, then, in the Presence of Love’s great mastery.

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